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I don't know what's wrong with me. I would love nothing more then to keep kissing Harry, but when I felt my eyes change...I don't know what I was suppose to do. I don't understand what's wrong, we've kissed a hundred times, but this time felt different. I even told Mal that while we walked towards Ben's office.

She laughed. "So you just ran off?"

I gave her an annoyed look. "Good to see my problems amuse you."

She wiped a fake tear. "Sorry, it's just you, of all people, running away from something."

"I didn't run away. I stopped myself before anything could happen. I actually thought I might hurt him." Mal kept smirking, which caused me to push her. "Why are we heading to Ben's office anyway?"

She adjusted her bag. "He said he might have a lead. He found a file about your transport and wanted us to read it."

I groaned. "Seriously. Why can't he do it and tell us what it says? I already had to reschedule with Jay when he wanted it introduce me to something called a cinnamon roll."

"Don't forget Carlos wants you to try out for the archery team."

I let out an even more exaggerated sigh. "Do I really need to try out for some stupid team? I already know I'm better than them. What's the point of me trying out?"

"Look, MJ. We know your good at archery. Ben and his parents know. Hell, you got Aurox hating you because of it." I scoffed. "We think the whole world should know who's the better archer. And her name is MJ Frost."

I gave her a look. "I want them to fear me. Not look at me for some sort of entertainment."

"Entertainment that gets you out of class."

I grabbed her arm to stop us. "Wait, so I get to miss class to shoot things?" Mal nodded. So, I get to miss these stupid classes to do something I'm awesome at? Sweet! "All right. If it will make Carlos happy, I'll try out for the team."

Mal smirked at my lie. "Great. Maybe you can convince Harry to try out for the fencing team. Gil's signing up already, but Jay's having a hard time convincing him."

I sighed. "I don't know. After what just happened in the library, I don't think I might see him for a while." I looked down at my hands. "Especially since I almost hurt him."

We arrived at Ben's office. Before we entered, Mal gave me a reassuring smile. "Hey, it might have been a one time thing. We all know that you wouldn't intentionally hurt Harry, ok?" I nodded. "Good, now let's see what's in these files."

I nodded again. She's right. I would never hurt Harry intentionally. Maybe me loosing control was just a one time thing.

Mal and I opened the door to be greeted with a messy room. We furrowed our eyebrows in confusion as we walked further in. I felt mist form around my hand to create a sword as we walked in further. You can never be too sure.

I'm no hero, but a room full of papers laying everywhere with a flipped desk isn't too good. I should know, I've done this in the Isle a few times. I heard Mal gasp before I followed her line of vision. Ben was unconscious next to his main desk.

"Ben!" Mal yelled the same time I yelled, "Benny!"

Mal and I ran towards him. She knelt down to check on her boyfriend while I looked around the room with my sword up. I looked around the room for any intruders, but didn't find any. Curse the Underworld.

"Ben, you ok?" Mal asked as he woke up.

Ben groaned as he held the back of his head. "Is it tea time already?" Ben suddenly realized he was in his office and sprang up. "The papers...."

Mal cut him off. "Who did this?"

Ben grabbed the back of his head. "I don't know. I was looking over the file and felt something hit the back of my head."

I could see Mal's eyes turn green as I got closer. "When I found out who did this -"

"You won't," I interrupted. Besides the fact that Mal doesn't kill for fun anymore, we don't know who did this. "I checked everything. There's no one here."

Ben's eyes grew wide as he went over to his desk. He shuffled through the papers and cursed under his breath. "They took it. They took MJ's file."

I gave Ben a confused look. "How?" Mal gave me a look, which I rolled my eyes in response. "I know how. I'm asking how did they know that we were going to look through the file. Not a lot of people know we were going to look through it."

"So, what? Someone was ease dropping?" Mal asked. "Someone spied on us?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Possibly. I don't understand why someone would want to take my file. I don't even know half of these goodie goodies here." I looked at the couple. "No offense."

Ben nodded. "None taken." He called one of his guards up. Mal and I gave him a confused look as the guard came through the door. "I want you to secure the perimeter. No one gets in and out, understand?" The guard nodded before he left.

"Ben, what are you doing?" Mal asked.

He ran his hand down his face before placing it on his hip. "Until we retrieve those files - and find out who this spy is - I'm placing the kingdom on lockdown."

Oh, my Hades.


A/N: The kingdom is on lockdown. Ohhh, shit's about to happen.

Too Good At Goodbyes 》 Descendants 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora