Oh, You Again

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I looked up at this weird looking thing along the wall. Ben told me this is called a locker that's suppose to hold my stuff for school. So I grabbed the handle for my locker and tried to open it. I furrowed my eyebrows as I jimmied the handle a bit. It still wouldn't budge. I groaned as I hit my locker in annoyance. I tried again, but it's still locked. That's it. I took a step back and held my hand out. Mist was just forming around it, but Carlos ran over and grabbed my wrist.

"Woah, woah, woah. What are you doing?" He asked frantically.

I glared at the locker. "I'm trying to get my books, but this thing won't open."

"Did you try the combination?"

I gave him a confused look. "The what?" Carlos went in front of my locker and turned the weird looking thing. My eyes widen when my locker opened. I went closer and looked around it. "How did you do that?"

"MJ, it's called a locker combination," He explained amusingly. "Every locker has one so other people won't steal their stuff."

"Does it work?"

Carlos opened and closed his mouth a few times. "A bit. People in Auradon don't steal from each other that much."

"Except you, Mal, Evie, and Jay." I mean, come on. They must have stolen from people's lockers at some point.

A victorious smirk came to my face when Carlos rubbed the back of his neck. "Maybe."

I grabbed the first book in my locker. "Ok, so what are you doing here? Are you my tour guide or something?"

I heard a scoff from behind us and turned to see that Aurox kid coming. He leaned next to my locker with that cocky smirk on his face.

"Carlos, a tour guide? Please, he's better off following Fairy Godmother's daughter like a puppy," He said before he gave Carlos a once over. "Might as well be one anyway."

Carlos rolled his eyes. "What do you want, Aurox?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "What? Can't I give Frosty the tour?"

I really want to punch this kid. Maybe freeze his hands before I cut them off.

"You've met MJ?"

Aurox had another smirk plastered on his face. "I'm sure she remembers me."

Yeah, I remember beating his ass at archery. This kid as so pissed off, but, hey, it made my day.

I looked at Carlos. "I've met a lot of people." Then at Aurox. "And you don't particularly stand out."

I heard Carlos chuckle but he shuts it with the glare Aurox gave him. Just like that his 'cool demeanor' came back.

"How about I show you around? Maybe we could finally have that rematch."

I pretended to be in thought. "Let me think...." I gave him a fake pout. "No." I grabbed Carlos' arm before I shut my locker. "Come on, Carlos. I still don't know were the library is." I gave Aurox a sweet smile. "Nice to see you again, Antoine."

"Aurox," He corrected.

"Like it matters."


So my first class is like this weird Hero Manners 101. Which would have sucked more if Harry and Gil weren't in the class with me. Actually they're the only people in class with me. Lumiere was in front of the chalk board writing another multiple choice question.

"Ok, if you see a injured lady out on the street, what do you do?" He asked before he pointed at the first answer. "A) Take her money, B) Put her out of her misery and kill her, or C) Take her to the nearest hospital."

Gil raised his hand. Lumiere gave him an encouraging nod. "Take her money!" He answered.

Lumiere sighed in disappointment. "I would have hooked her," Harry whispered in my ear.

I gave him a small chuckle before I leaned over. "Me, too."

Lumiere cleared his throat. "What is that, Merida?"

I gave him a look. "First of all, it's MJ. Two the answer's C." I can't believe Mal and them endured this.

"That's right."

Lumiere went back to the board and erased the problem. "Frosty, mind being my partner?" Gil asked as he leaned on me.

Harry glared at him before he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and brought me close. "Sorry, mate. She's already got one."

Gil looked disappointed before going back to his notes. He mumbled something about failing the test, and I couldn't help but chuckle. The only reason I knew that answer because it sounded boring. We heard a bell ring and looked around the room in confusion. What was that?

"All right, same time tomorrow," Lumiere said.

"Does this mean we're done for today?" Harry asked.

Lumiere shook his head. "No, you still have your other classes to attend."

Harry rolled his eyes as we got up. "Great." Gil gave us a happy look while he grabbed his satchel and left. Lumiere followed Gil out shortly. I was about to leave, but Harry grabbed my arm. "Where do ye think yer going?"

I gave him a confused look. "Class?" Or whatever this science room is.

Harry smirked before he leaned down and capture our lips together. I smiled as I held him close.

"Ye sure about that?" He asked before he picked me up and sat me on the table.

I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around his neck when he started kissing me again. Harry pulled me close and tilted his head to deepen the kiss. I let out a little squeal when I felt his hand lift the hem of my shirt a bit. He gave a breathy chuckle as he continued to kiss me.

My head was spinning as my chest started to pound faster. I ran my hands through his hair and tugged a little at the nape of his neck. Harry moaned as he started to kiss my neck. I closed my eyes, enjoying this moment, until I let out a little gasp. My eyes shut even tighter as I felt them turn to their icy white color. Mist was starting to form around my hands, so I quickly pushed Harry away before I could hurt him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I kept my eyes close as I tried to bring my heart rate down. Once I felt my eyes turn back to their regular color, I slowly opened them.

"Nothing," I panted as I quickly jumped down from the chair. I gave him a quick peck. "I'll see you soon."

I ignored his confused look and ran out of the library.

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