chapter 18 can't see daddy

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In Ruth suit
Rose and Josie are dressed for the day. Trudy is helping rose with her corset , Cindy is helping Josie finish with her dress.
Ruth"Trudy, Cindy tea
They both leave.
Ruth"you are not aloud to see that boy again, girls I forbid it".
Rose"oh, stop mother your get yourself a nosie bleed"
Ruth turns her around.
Ruth"Rose this is not a game! Our situation is precarious. You know the money is gone!
Rose"of course ,I know it's gone you remind me everyday !"
Ruth"your father left us nothing but a legercy of bad debts hidden by a good name.and that name is the only card we have to play.
Rose turns around and Ruth grabs the corset strings . Cindy
Comes in and stands by the door and calls for Josie. They both leave the room.
Rose feels hurt and lost while Josie feels like crying.
Rose"how can you put this weaight on my shoulders?"
Ruth turns her around.
Ruth"Do you want to see me working as a seamistress? Is that what you want? Do you want to see our fine things sold at an auction , our memories scattered into the wind? My God,Rose how can you be so selfish."
Rose"it's not fair"
Ruth"of course it's unfair!we are weman our choices are never easy."
Later that day
Steward"look you, you're not supposed to be in here"
Jack"I was just here last night.. don't you remember?"
Steward"no I don't"
Jack sees Lovejoy coming to them.
Jack"he'll tell you"
Lovejoy"Mr.Hockly and Mrs.Dewitt Bukater continue to be most appreciative of your assistance. They asked me to give this to you in gratitude. He holds out two twenty dollars bills. Which Jack didn't take.
Jack"I don't want your money I-
Lovejoy"and also to remind you that you hold a third class ticket and your presence here is no longer appreciate."
Jack spots
just want to speak to Rose and Josie. But they don't see him
Jack"I just need to talk to rose and Josie for a"
Lovejoy" gentleman please see that Mr Dawson goes back where he belongs." Gives the twenties to the stewards."and that he starts there"
Steward"yes sir, come along you"
The girls didn't see Jack being escorted out.
Rose/Josie🎵oh hear us when you cry to thee  for those in peril on sea 🎵

Cal , Ruth and the girls were on a tour on the ship . They enter the gym.
Cal"reminds me of my havard days"
Mccauley "the electric horse is very popular. we even have an electric camel" turns to Ruth.
"Care to try your hand at the rowing m'am"
Ruth" don't be absurd, I can't think of a skill I should likely need less."
Andrews"the next stop for tour will be the bridge. This way please."

By the lifeboats
Rose"mr. Andrews, I did just fine in my head and with the number of lifeboats times the capacity  you mentioned. Forgive me, but it seems that's not enough for everyone on board."
Andrews"about half ,actually rose, you miss nothing , do you? In fact, I put these new type davits which can take an extra row of boats here."
Cal"a waste of deck space, on his sinkable ship!
Andrews"sleep soundly, young Rose and Josephine. I have built you a good ship. Strong and true
She's all the lifeboats you need.
Jack sees them and takes Josie's hand and motions rose to follow

Rose"Jack this is impossible, we can't see you.
He takes a hold of Rose's shoulders.

Jack"Rose, you're no picnic ..your spoiled little brat even . But  under that you're strong pure heart and your most amazingly astounding girl I ever known and
Rose"Jack we
Jack"no wait . Let me try to get this out.your amazing and I know I have nothing to offer you Rose. I know that, but I'm involved now you jump, I jump remember. I can't not turn away without knowing that you two are going to be alright"
Rose and Josephine feels tears forming in their eyes.
Jack is so open and real.. not like everyone she has ever known.

Rose"Jack your making this very hard. We'll be fine, really.
Jack"I don't think so, they got you trapped in a glass jar like some butterfly. And your gonna die trapped if you don't break out. Maybe not right away because your strong.but sooner or later the fire in you two is going to burn out.
Rose"it's not up to you to save me  .
Jack"your right,only you can do that. what about our daughter?"
Rose"you can't take her Jack, my mother will get suspicious."
Rose"we have to get back,there'll miss us please Jack, for all of our sakes, leave us alone.
Rose grabbed a hold of Josie's hand and started to walk out.
Josie had tears running down her cheeks.
Josie"mommy I don't what to go back,I what daddy"
Rose"I know, baby so do I. We going to get away somehow.
In the middle of dinner rose knocks over her drink and Josie does the same but with her food.

Rose"oh look at we have done" they leave to get cleaned up.

Jack is looking forward to the sun setting. He hears her voice from behind him.
Rose"hello Jack". He turns to see her standing there.
"I changed my mind. Fabrizio is watching over Josie ,he said you might be up-
Jack"ssssh come here"

He puts his hands on her waist.has if he going to kiss her.
Jack" close your eyes."

She does, he turns her to Face Forward, the way the ship is going. He presses her gently to the rail, standing right behind her. Then he takes her two hands and raises them until she is standing with both her arms outstretched on each side. Rose is going along with him her arms stay up... like wings.
Jack"okay, open them"
Rose"I flying!"

She leans forward arching her back. He puts his arms on her waist to steady her.
He sings softly.
🎵 come Josephine to my flying machine🎵

(An I have started a new book called Hope's big Adventure )

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