Chap.23: Who Will You Choose?

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Yuu's POV:
As we stood there silently when Yuma appeared upon us, Yuma approached us with a stern gaze.

"Come on, we're going back."

"What?! Whoa!"

Yuma suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him, but Ayato refused to hold back and grabbed my wrist tightly and pulled me back with him with a cold glare.

"He's staying here."

He coldly spat at him with his eyes in possessiveness as I know how much Ayato loves me. Yuma however retort him and smirked mockingly at him.

"Heh yeah right, he only likes you cuz you're a fuckboy."

"Whoa what?!"

I quickly got off of Ayato's grip and glared at Yuma's harsh remark.

"Dude don't call him that! He maybe an idiot, but he's also a cool vampire buddy I ever have so don't call him that!"

I scold at him which causes Yuma to frown at me.

"So you're choosing the redhead prick over me?"

He asked coldly which I shook my head in response.

"I never said ANYTHING about choosing between you or Ayato. I love both of you."

I confessed to them which surprises Ayato and Yuma sighed and rubs the bridge of his nose.

"I know how much you love me, and I understand that. However I don't like being pulled back and forth like I'm in tug-of-war okay?"

I assured them. However Yuma patted my shoulder gently with a grin.

"Then why won't you choose?"


I turned to Yuma with an astonished face as Ayato smirked at the idea.

"Guess it wouldn't be that bad."

He stated with a smirk liking the idea which got me a bit on edge, but both men assured me that they don't mind if I choose one of them.

"Yuu, it's okay, just whatever that makes you happy."

Yuma reassured me with a gentle smile as I turned to Ayato who is turning his head away from me.

"J-Just do it already, but...."

He he glanced at me with a slight blush on his face.

"...I do think you're cool and...I don't care who choose. Oresama will always love you."

He confessed as he turns head away from me again which I giggled at how adorable he is right now. However I thought about Mika back in the Mukami mansion and what he said to me.

Damn, how long are ya gonna keep this up, just make up your mind and pick one.

I remembered Mika's words as I look back at the two men that I deeply loved, it's my time to choose.....

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