Chapter 7 - Unrest

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"What. About. My. Pup." His eyes were coal black when he growled every word like a staccato. I whimpered and couldn't say a word, because there was a dark pit that felt like it was growing inside me, making me feel ashamed that I had managed to get my mate pissed at me.

"It...I–It will d-d-die...Adrian. Your... Your pup..."

The growl that echoed out through the entire forest made my blood run cold. My heart had stopped for that moment and my entire body shook with fear, my raging wolf quieting as I shut my eyes close.

I was so fucking scared. And naked.

All I could hear for that moment were his loud breaths and the low growls rumbling in his chest. I was completely still, afraid that he'd hurt me, hurt his own mate.

Male wolves are even more protective about their pups, my wolf said in a tone that sounded defeated, he won't care if he hurts us. Think twice before you say anything.

It felt like my heart broke into a thousand million pieces.

And I whimpered.

"A-A-Adrian...please...listen to me." I stuttered, "Liana told me that..." I gathered some courage, "She told me that your...pup...already has a low chance of surviving because both of your mates are a-a-alive–"

I was stopped suddenly when his strong fingers closed around my throat, choking me. I gurgled, tried to cough, and I knew my face had lost all it's blood. I couldn't breathe, and my heart had almost...almost died inside me.

"If I have to kill you to keep my pup alive, I will!" He roared, his fingers tightening around me with enough force to snap my bones like twigs.

My life flashed before me as I lied there, absolutely helpless, feeling so utterly heartbroken over a man —not even a man, a werewolf— I barely knew. This wasn't how I had envisaged my future to be. As a teenager, I had dreamt of being a werewolf's mate, being a part of a wonderful and unrealistic fantasy, but I had no idea that my dreams would cost me my life someday.

"Let me go...please." I whispered, my voice coming out as a croak as I felt a slow peace settle over me, my heart slowing down to faint beats.

And then I lost whatever consciousness I had, surrendering myself to death.





A gloom had settled over me in a way that didn't feel the way death feels like. I had heard and read about near death experiences, and none of them were so gloomy.

I felt regretful: oh god, so much regret was curling deep inside my abdomen that I almost wanted to throw up. Along regret, was another emotion that even I couldn't understand.

All I knew that this emotion didn't belong to me.

Was it Adrian's?

Had he finally realised that he had killed his mate?

Was he regretting it?

He should.

The voice belonged to my pure blood and for a moment, I was stunned.

Didn't my pure blood die along with me and wolf?

You didn't die, Moon. Celeste's alive, too. You're just taking a lot of time to heal.

I didn't die?

I was still alive?

Get up, Moon! Try to wake up! Adrian will never forgive himself if you die! The entire Were Kingdom will collapse!

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