Chapter 11 - Finding Liana

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"What do you fucking mean?!" Jaxon was the first one to react. It was obvious – kinda - how he was her mate and he made the mistake of leaving her alone when he clearly had an idea that it was dangerous for a Luna to be wandering out all alone outside the werewolf territory, especially how she was in a completely heartbroken and painful state.

"Exactly what you heard, Jaxon," was my reply. I was still whispering, still wondering where Liana could have disappeared off so suddenly, "I still can't understand how you could be so fucking irresponsible, Alpha Prime. You are supposed to be the one who protects her, her own mate, and still you were stupid enough to let her step out of the Kingdom alone. You really don't even deserve her dirty toenails." My voice was a monotone.

"You always know how to lighten the mood, don't you Moon?" Sarcasm dripped from his weak voice heavily, but I pretended to ignore it.

"Exactly what I wanted to say!" I murmured again, "You must be really happy, aren't you? Good riddance, after all, now you can fuck as many women as you want to, without yearning for your mate."

That earned me a large growl as Jaxon lunged at me, "You fucking bitch!"

"Stop, both of you!" Adrian's voice boomed as he grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him. "We need to find Liana right now, and you both are fighting like children," he turned to me, "Where do you think Liana could be right now?"

"Her motorcycle is like her baby. If she wanted to mislead us into thinking that she's still in there, she would still take it away with her, which means that she actually is inside, and from what I know, there are three people who desperately wanted both of us across the MoonLine. You, Jaxon and..." I paused for a moment, peeking up at Adrian to gauge his reaction.

Adrian urged, "And who, Moon?" But realisation dawned on him before I could say anything, "The third one is Lazarus, isn't it?"

I could only nod up at him, hearing Jaxon mutter curses and banging down a tree.

"Fucking shit!" Jaxon cursed once again, just a bit louder this time. "I wouldn't have let her leave at all if I had known this could happen!"

"Jaxon." Adrian's voice was deep, and even in such a time of panic and desperation, I could feel my insides clench in arousal at how husky and dangerous his voice sounded.

"We need to find her before it is too late, Adrian." Jaxon said; his voice grim with fierce determination as his eyes darkened the way they had when I had met him the first time. "I'm not going to lose her now, when things are supposed to get okay soon."

And that was the cue for all the pure werewolves to shift, some small, and some unbelievably large. Adrian was right next to me, and he looked directly at me, his eyes burning into mine.

"Go into the Were Kingdom. The guards will keep you safe."

Celeste answered through the mind-link, and with her voice I could understand how close Celeste and I were into becoming one, our thoughts resonating on a completely different level. "I am not a wuss to go and hide in your palace while my best friend is in danger. I am coming with you, no matter what you say!" She firmly told him.

"Celeste," Adrian warned, "Don't be impulsive: you don't need to put yourself in unnecessary danger. We already have Liana to save; I don't want you to get yourself caught too." I could feel small pangs of concern through the mate bond.

"You don't need to worry." I rolled my eyes, while the voice inside my mind scoffed, "I won't be a burden and I will handle myself well. I'll be fine on my own, you can go ahead and do whatever stuff you want to, but I'm going to help you save Liana."

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