Adrian Wolfe - The Alpha King's Luna Queen

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"I can't believe I managed to lose her again!"

I entered my office only to hear Jaxon venting out his frustrations to Theo, who was sitting and listening to him patiently. We all had hoped that Jaxon would finally get hold of Liana after he's been searching for her for so many years, but he came back empty-handed this time as well, and was very obviously, quite frustrated about it.

"I fucking managed to lose control as well. All because of that bratty little girl who talked back to me and didn't fucking tell me where Liana was. She even said she has a boyfriend!" Jaxon growled.

"I'm hoping you didn't do anything drastic." Theo said to him, and then sighed when he looked at Jaxon's face.

"I almost strangled her to death – along with ruining all of Liana's furniture. Now Ana's going to be even more pissed at me for what I did." He sat down on the chair and stopped his pacing, "What was Liana even thinking; bringing a pesky little human in our territory? I could have snapped her pretty little neck."

A girl?

Yesterday, there had been rumors going around that the crowd had felt the presence of their Queen and Prime, which had compelled both of us – Jaxon and I – to sniff out the Kingdom territory for the presence of the two women. My heart had been in my throat the entire time, wondering how in the hell did Moon even come here, but when I didn't find her scent, I felt pain and relief at the same time.

I didn't want her to know the truth about everything, well, not yet.

Jaxon was too focused on Liana to even think about the fact that their Queen was seen as well. No one questioned me about their Queen, but the way everyone talked it did seem like Moon was here.

But now that Jaxon was talking about this girl, at Liana's house, I was seriously in doubt again. We all knew Liana wasn't stupid – she would never endanger someone's life by bringing them across the MoonLine, especially if the person was not a supernatural. Also, it was impossible to bring a person with no supernatural genetics in this world.

I strode towards Jaxon, who now looked up at me with a confused look on his face. I took his hand, without caring that I probably looked like a lunatic.

Delia entered my office at the same time, opening her mouth to say something but I silenced her with a single look.

I knew there would be at least some trace of her even if she used her Luna Queen abilities – she was probably a newbie at this and slipped up somewhere.

My wolf was threatening to come out, eager to find the scent of his mate and feel her presence around him. I, on the other hand, hoped that I didn't detect her scent because that would mean hell for me in the near future.

"What is happening, Adrian? What the hell are you doing? I have a mate and I love her!"

My wolf took over my mind the moment I caught her scent on his fingers.

"You said you strangled the girl, didn't you?" My voice was a low growl, and that was the only warning Jaxon got before I punched him straight in the nose and he toppled down with the chair he was sitting on.

Theo was quick on his feet and tried his best to restrain me, while I brought my senses and control back to me.

"What in the fucking hell?!" Jaxon was angry, ready to fight, "Did you just punch me because I strangled her? I did not kill her! She's fine, just a little scared – which she should be." He spat, "You are acting as if the girl is your ma –"

Jaxon stopped mid-sentence to look at me to confirm his suspicion. Theo's arms went loose around me in surprise and Delia gasped – tears brimming in her eyes.

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