Chapter 12 - My PureBlood and her Story

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"What do you mean sorry!?" Jaxon growled, "The one lying on that bed is your Luna Prime and you say sorry? You are the best healer around, Mercy! You are supposed to fix her and save her and make her normal again, definitely not to say that you're fucking sorry!"

Throwing a fit or breaking down into sobs - none of them seemed to be the right thing to do right now.

The healer paled at Jaxon's words and I felt her shiver from where I was standing. I sighed, and walked towards her, wrapping a comforting arm around her so that she could give us some more insight into Liana's recovery - or the lack of it.

"Thank you, Luna." Her voice sounded much more confident. She took a deep breath and turned to the Alpha Prime, "Alpha Jaxon, all of us healers have done the best we could, but Luna Liana has nearly every bone broken and it seems that she herself is giving up the struggle to live."

No. Don't say that. You don't know her. She's the strongest person on Earth!

"Why would she do that?" Jaxon whispered in a half sob, his tone the complete opposite of what it had been a moment ago.

I let out a shaky breath. All of us couldn't afford to lose Liana.

"That is something only you can tell, Alpha," the healer's tone was borderline accusing but then she let out a defeated sigh, "Only a miracle can save her now."

"What about the mate bond, Mercy?" I asked her, "Can't Jaxon's presence trigger the healing or increase it's rate?"

She sighed, "I'm afraid that's not the case here."

I frowned, "What do you mean?"

"With the initial rejection, prolonged distance for an entire century, Alpha's sexcapades with other females and the consequent pain that Luna Liana suffered from, it all succeeded in diminishing much of their bond strength. It could have grown stronger if they had been on good terms but since that clearly was not the case..." She trailed off.

"What if I mark her?" Jaxon's tone was pleading.

Mercy shook her head, "It will kill her Alpha. A normal marking takes up a lot of energy of the female. And with your case, it will take much more - and she will have no energy left to keep herself alive. Your presence acts only as a painkiller, something which our normal meds can do too."

Jaxon flinched at her tone. My presence gave her too much confidence, but now I was wondering if I was sharing my anger with her too. Since I was in no state to express my anger and explode my fury at Jaxon, Mercy seemed to be doing a great job by making him feel worse about himself than he already did.

"So it means Jaxon is practically useless now." Adrian said, rubbing his face in exhaustion.

Oh my, even exhausted he managed to look rakishly handsome.

Just as the thought crossed my mind, Adrian looked up at me, raising a brow. I blushed, absolutely forgetting that he could hear my thoughts already.

"I must say though," the healer continued, looking at me this time, "We have to keep Luna Celeste in complete protection. Had she been in her place, it would've been much more difficult for her to heal. Her being half human, and the mate bond being at its weakest point, even a miracle couldn't have saved her."

Something lit up in Adrian's eyes at Mercy's words, and in the next moment I was pulled away from her into Adrian's arms. I wanted to push him away, but my yearning for Adrian and comfort was way too strong for me to bear the distance now that I felt so safe with him.

He held me tighter against him, my body lined up complete against him as he kept pressing kisses to my forehead, the tingles providing distraction from the issue at hand.

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