Chapter 36 - Moving On

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"Why do I feel like those are not the only things she had done?" I said, to no one in particular. "What's her name?"

"Zora - Zora Wiccan." Kia said, and sighed, "Well, she's the same witch who helped bring Lazarus to power. She's crazy, and now that Lazarus is no more, she will find another way to ensure she remains on the path for gaining more of it. We're afraid she'll target the rescued PureBloods."

"Rescued PureBloods? There were more?" I asked her, my eyes widened in surprise. This was great news.

"Yes," my mother continued and smiled at me with warmth and pride, "Along with us and the vampires, you rescue more than twenty PureBloods. Even we didn't know about them until the Vampire Queen informed us that they had been staying at the Palace, but the Vampires couldn't heal them completely no matter how much they tried. They were sent here immediately and we all will remain under the protection of the Werewolves, until the species is strong enough to return to the PureBlood Kingdom."


I was happy to know that my father's kingdom was not all lost and there was a good chance to rebuild its glory. It was going to be a difficult and time-taking task, but the fruits were going to be worth it all.

"That's great, Mom!" I smiled, "How's Papa?" I asked her, hoping that the conversation would take a lighter tone. I had just woken up and the little information on the witch was already giving me a headache. "I've not been able to hold a proper conversation with him yet."

"Your father's fine, Cel. He's slightly upset over your condition at the moment, but otherwise, he's strong and ready to re-establish his kingdom. He was so worried about you when you were taken away,  he was ready to kill Adrian, but calmed down once he knew that Adrian himself was poisoned, he calmed down." She stroked my arm, reassuringly.

That nickname - it was as if it struck a familiar chord in me. Somehow, I knew that she had called me that way before.

It warmed my heart to be able to hear it again.

"Adrian had no fault in that - he had tried his best to protect me." I then smiled at her, "It's really  good to know he's fit and fine. I really want to meet him. I just haven't been able to catch up with all of you and I'm dying to be with both of you." I held her hand in mine.

She smiled at me, "We have forever for that, my baby."

Her words brought warmth to my chest. What child didn't want her parents to be in her life  forever and ever? I was living a life many humans only dreamed of, I guess.

I smiled back at her and then turned to Liana, "How's lover boy treating you? Done enough of begging and grovelling yet?"

Liana laughed at me and then winked, "Oh yeah, there was enough of it - begging, grovelling and what not. But then my heat came and boom - the dynamics changed. I was aloof earlier, despite going through the heat, because he had managed not to mark me. He wanted to wait till I had completely warmed up to him, and then... There was this fear of that curse."

"What curse?"

Liana pursed her lips, "There was this prediction about him - the one he marked first would be killed by his mark - his fangs had some poison or something. So he kept pushing me away because he didn't want me to die. Then Cassandra came in with her love potion, wooing Jaxon and wanting to bear his mark. It killed her."

Oh, so that was what happened. And I had been judging the poor guy for so long.

Liana continued, "He kept this from me until I was finally begging for him to mark me, it was some two months after you left - but he was still scared, you know. He had watched Cassandra die because of him and he didn't want the same for me."

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