Chapter 14 - The Healer and The Witch

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Just standing out of the room made me feel the dark, brooding vibes that the room emanated. It was as bad as if someone died inside, making me check if we were entering the correct room.

"Is this the right room?" I asked Adrian, as I was perched on his back, too tired to walk myself.

"Yes..." He hesitated, "But, it doesn't feel like so. Liana waking up is certainly a good thing, right?"

My brows furrowed, but I squeezed his waist with my thighs, making him sigh and move forward. Once the door opened, I almost felt like crying. My best friend, Liana, who just yesterday was stumbling between life and death, now seemed to be smiling at me radiantly looking her gorgeous self even with her haystack hair.

"So you two kissed and made up, huh?" She asked, an edge to her tone as she eyed the way I was on his back.

"Uh." I climbed off him instantly and was immediately hit with Adrian's intense emotions of confusion and longing. "You can say that. There's a lot I need to tell you. And then, I needed some comfort, too, with you out like light." I shrugged and stepped towards her carefully. It was true anyways - she had no idea about the date and everything.

Liana raised a brow, but kept silent, waiting till I reached her. I was still confused about why the atmosphere was so gloomy in the room - but then my eyes landed on the Alpha Prime.

Jaxon looked utterly in despair. He wasn't even looking up at us, just fixed his gaze somewhere on his lap and clenched Liana's hand tightly in his.

Liana soon guessed my thoughts about why he was looked so put off and then said:

"I don't want to stay here, anymore." She said blankly.

I looked at her bemused, "I think you need some more rest, Liana. It's not like you've been perfectly fine for the last few days; you need to rest."

"I'm perfectly fine, Moon. I was healed by a PureBlood, you - who also is a Luna Queen, and Pureblood healing is just like that: instant, magical and miraculous. You did it, Moon and I'm so proud of you!" She gushed and that was all I needed to rush forward and tackle her into a hug.

The warmth of her hug was enough to turn me into a blubbering and sobbing mess, my heart clenching with the remains of the foremost fear I was plagued with the day before - the fear of losing my one and only best friend.

"I'm so happy that you're back..." I said, hiccuping, "I was so scared, scared, you have no idea. I thought I'd lose you and I didn't know what to do." I clung to her tightly, now seeking comfort in my best friend.

"But you did it, Moon, and now I think it's time to go back home." Liana said, patting my back.

"This. Is. Your. Home!" My mate's voice boomed, making me and Liana jump apart.

Adrian gritted out, "This Kingdom is where the two of you fucking belong! You are not going anywhere. Jaxon fucking say something to your mate! You have just been pulled out of danger and you want to go back again?!" He yelled.

Surprisingly, Jaxon kept silent and stared at the bed, his face void of any emotion.

"You are no one to tell us what we're going to do!" Liana yelled at him and for a moment I thought that she forgot it was Adrian she was talking to.

"I am your Alpha King!" He seethed, "And you are going to obey my every comm-"

"You might be the Alpha King," my friend flipped her hair over the shoulder, "But Moon here, is your mate and she doesn't give a fuck about taking orders from you, do you Moon?"

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