Adrian Wolfe

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"What is this I am hearing, Adrian?" Malcolm barged into the room, "Where is my granddaughter?"

I was, thankfully, alone in the office at this time and Delia was asleep in her room.

Malcolm was the last person I wanted to talk to. I had recently come to realize that he was not the best person to talk to when the matter revolved around his granddaughter. I didn't have any problem with that, the only problem was that now wasn't the time for me to have enough strength to listen to the man.

"Your granddaughter is safe with her other mate, I would have known if she was in danger. She chose to leave herself without telling me, and that is as far as I know." I responded.

"You let her leave!? Adrian, are you out of your mind!? She is with the Vampires? You know how they don't have any mercy even if it's their mate!" He was shouting.

"I will repeat again," I said, looking at him in the eye, "She chose to leave without telling me. She used her Luna Orders to escape territory."

"What were you doing when she was leaving?!" He was so furious.

"I was with Delia – "

"No wonder she left!" he gritted his teeth, "I don't know what's going on in your mind, boy. You just marked her, didn't you?"

"And Delia was miscarrying because of the said marking! That was why I was with her!" I shouted back.

He fell silent.

"Delia miscarried?" His tone was much softer now but the edge didn't leave, "The baby was really yours?"

"Does it really matter?" I asked him, "Did it really ever matter if the baby was mine or not? He was a little innocent life, and that was all that mattered. He did not deserve to suffer no matter what the circumstances were. And now he is dead. Neither do I have my mate, nor do I have my pup. Everything managed to fuck itself up! So please, if you wish to speak some more, please come after a few days because I am really not in the right state of mind right now."

I sat down on my chair.

"I am sorry for the baby, Adrian. He really didn't deserve the suffering, neither did Delia." He consoled, "but we cannot let Moon stay in the Vampire Kingdom. This is ridiculous. You have marked her."

"Well," I started, "Despite the mark, she has willingly run into the arms of another man, and it's her choice – whatever she does. She is a smart woman, and probably has a purpose there, so let her do her job, while I will focus on Delia as she recuperates from this trauma."

Malcolm sighed, evidently not liking his granddaughter's decision.

I knew what he was feeling – he had already lost his daughter, and now he didn't want to lose Moon as well. All the interactions that I had witnessed, between Moon and Malcolm, I could see how much he doted on her and wanted the best for her.

Elise's death had been too hard for him.

Yes, he was right when he said that Moon was in the middle of danger in the vampire kingdom. Even I knew that - I continuously had to tap into what little I could get from Moon just to see if she was safe. I kept my link open so that she could call for me whenever she needed help.

I had been losing my mind all this time, thinking about what Moon was doing while I was dealing with all the shit that hit the fan.

But then, at the same time, I was taking the advice of a lot of people around me.

Everyone kept saying that Moon had a purpose to fulfill before we both could finally be together without anything coming in between us again. It was something very obvious: she was a Luna Queen, she was a hybrid between a wolf and a PureBlood, the daughter of a PureBlood Prathma and the list went on if we had to talk about the special abilities she possessed.

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