Chapter 39 - To the PureBlood Kingdom

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I was oddly nervous.

Or maybe the nervousness wasn't mine, but my father's.

He took in a small deep breath, with his arms around my shoulders, "Here we go... We're finally home."

His eyes were taking in the sight that was right in front of us - the kingdom which was once prosperous now looked like it had been deserted and was in ruins. It was still beautiful, and the structures, right down to the planning of the kingdom was were enough for anyone to deduce that the kingdom belonged to really smart people.

My father inhaled and shivered slightly.

I smiled at him, "You're nervous." I stated.

"Yes, I am." He sighed, his eyes not leaving the sight, "It's not easy, seeing the Kingdom that was standing here in all its glory just some decades ago look so ruined. Now this place looks like it has been haunted, devoid of its life and glory - I never thought I would ever have to see a day like this." 

My mother, who was standing at his other side, rubbed his shoulders comfortingly. He continued, "I had worked so hard for the Kingdom to always remain as prosperous as it could, but seeing everything gone - my people, my Kingdom. Sometimes I think that if you hadn't saved us, this kingdom would have died, vanished."

"Vashisht," my mom's voice was soothing, "All is not lost. You still have your people, you have your kingdom and you have us, me and our daughter." she smiled up at him, and I swear she looked more beautiful than anyone else I had ever seen, "We will have to work harder, but it will all be fine."

"I love you." My father whispered and then his hands were no longer on my shoulder.

And then they were kissing.


I averted my eyes and let them have a go their moment while they could for now, because, well, I couldn't stop them, right?

It had been embarrassing enough to hear all those sounds at night back when we were in my human home, when they were in a very amorous mood. If I was honest, this mood of theirs lasted the entire day, and I had become used to ignoring the heated glances and the not-as-discreet-as-they-think groping.

I gave a small smile to the twenty something people walking at some distance behind us. They all smiled back and then continued forward, letting their King and Queen have some privacy.

It was a reunion, with tears of joy in the eyes of the people who were finally home - even though home wasn't the same anymore. I saw a few shed tears for their lost friends. There were a few people who had no one left - no families, no mates, no children and were crying for the loss of their loved ones.

My heart went out to them.

I decided to leave my parents for a while, till my mother could comfort Papa, and toured the place my father had dedicated his life to.

I looked around for a while, careful not to go near the people who were trying to see if their house was just the same as it looked from the outside.

The Kingdom was standing just as it was, the houses still managed to look beautiful and magnificent. Only now the Kingdom was devoid of people and was full of weeds and creepers here and there.

A little farther ahead, I could see a large house - a mansion - but it didn't look like a castle to me. It did have an ancient feel to it from the outside - the architecture and everything was beautiful but I had little knowledge to be able to describe it accurately. This mansion towered over every other house in the Kingdom and I reached to the conclusion that this was my father's house - or perhaps the house in which the Kingdom elders had lived.

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