Chapter 40 - The Courtship

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The months long 'space' had done wonders to the both of us - at least to me. I thought that maybe I was still holding grudges, but then I realized that there was nothing to hold against him.

We had nothing in between us to stop us from pursuing each other - well, except my father and his insistence on a PureBlood courtship.

He was looking out for me and it made me feel all good on the inside when Papa was protective over me.

Tomorrow, Adrian was coming home, to put a start to our courtship. I didn't even know what we were going to do - just sitting at the house with a chaperone making sure that we behaved.

Can you guess who our chaperone was for today?

Yes, yes, yes - my dearest Papa.

He didn't trust mom enough to be there at all times and keep the both of us strictly in place, so he decided to be our chaperone himself. He actually had said that he had nothing much to do and was looking for entertainment when we talked.

Well, thank the Moon Goddess for the existence of mind-link.

We would have to keep talking in front of my father, but we could just mind-link anytime - and that led me to think why he wasn't talking to me now, through mind-link.

"Because I respect his wishes and his reasons to keep you at a distance from me."



You are reading into my thoughts.That's invasive and intruding. My tone was accusing.

"You should have closed your mind-link."

How long have you been doing this for?

"Ever since you've been back here."

I blushed a little. So he knew everything.

"Yes, I know everything."

I stayed silent for a while.

"How have you been?"

There was silence for a while and I thought he was perhaps occupied for the time being. I turned away from the window where I was standing and trudged towards my bed with a small smile on my face, eager for the next day.

"If we do all the talking today, what will we do tomorrow?"

I smiled and snuggled into the bed, wishing he was here with me.

We can always find something to talk about - we have a lot to catch up on, after all.

"It had been difficult in the beginning for me. It got better as time passed. I have never been so...rested."

Liana did tell me that you take better care of yourself these days.

"You talk about me?"

I blushed, not saying anything for the moment.

Of course, we do. I went with honesty. I have to keep tabs on my mate now, don't I?

"I hope she also reassured you that there was no woman for me other than you?"


For me too, there was no way I could even be attracted to another man. I could really understand what Liana had been telling me all that while ago. Once you find your mate, there's no way that you would have even an inkling of attraction to anyone else. You can force yourself into intimacy and relations, but it would always be lacking in many ways. I realised that quite easily a few weeks into my stay in the human world.

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