Chapter 31 - Werewolves and Vampires

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"Split into two!" The Vampire Queen's commanding voice echoed in my head, "We have to get the women and children in a safe place and safely guard the Luna Queen and her parents till they reach the Kingdom Borders."

It felt nice to know that she was thinking of us. Like I had said earlier, I could use all the help. My only aim was to keep my parents safe and get them to the Werewolf Kingdom before something worse happened.

But was she thinking that I would be leaving with my parents as well? I was going to stay here and fight with them.

I felt safe and assured when the Vampire Guards formed a protective circle around us. Only then, a small thought crossed my mind.

I wanted the 'real' vampires to take back the place they deserved - it was one of the ways in which the rivalry between both the kingdoms would disappear. It made me wonder; were Vampires and Werewolves enemies before Lazarus and his 'tainted' vampires came in power?

I was snapped back to reality when the guards behind us warned, "They are closing in on us. Our numbers are almost equal - we might have to call more for help."

Now a smaller circle was guiding us to the borders and my heart was thumping. No, I was not tired of all the running we were doing.

I was scared. Shitless.

For my parents, for these vampires, for myself. My mother was running next to me this entire time but all she was feeling was anticipation and optimism. Her wolf looked freaking gorgeous and I internally wished that I looked just like her, which was silly because I knew I looked entirely different, being a hybrid.

I wanted to remain just as optimistic as my mother.

"It's my faith in you, Cel. I know you won't let anything happen to us."  Her words were like a balm, instilling confidence when I felt scared.

My father was still lying on her back, unconscious. I gritted my teeth while wondering what had those assholes done to him and the Vampire King to still be in such terrible conditions.

Everything was going to be fine and that was all I could assure myself.

A scream tore behind me and my head whipped around to check what was happening.


I stopped in my tracks, and then slowly turned around to find my mate standing there, looking at me with those same loving eyes with the same love brimming in them. I clenched my fists as my side, desperately wanting to ignore the tug my body felt towards him.

I was so ashamed that I was missing this bastard, already.

"What did you do, Cynthia?" He said, softly. "Why didn't you come to me even once? You jumped to conclusions."

My jaw fell and I looked at him incredulously.

My parents were a few feet behind me and were standing in between the protective circle the Vampires had made. They were away from Aiden and his ten cronies, but they were still waiting for me.


It was a command. My mother's paws immediately started moving again, and the guards left with them, respecting my decision to handle the ones in front of me. I just hoped that they reached safely within the kingdom without any obstacles in between.

It was dark around me, yet I could see Aiden's features clearly reflecting in the moonlight. It made him look handsome, but that did nothing to douse the flame that had been burning inside me.

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