Nigel Imagine 1

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Within the shuttle in which Nigel called his home he spent the majority of his time wondering.. wondering what the world would be like away from his family and out there. In space. He knew the dangers... but Y/N was always worth the risk. 

He had a faulty computer system he had been working on for months now.. only just got it working to a normal standard.

He had been making video logs of his thoughts for days. Each day he mention how tempted he go and try and reach her. To jump onto her orbit and live with her forever.

The last entry... he speaks:

"I dont even know what im doing.. I dont even know if you understand my feelings. But I know.. I just have to get to you. Someway.. somehow. Today. When you make your way towards me im going to jump and come to you.. to live with you and your folks.. so we can be together.. 

I love you... and im going to prove it" 

The video log ends. 

And he did. He did love and and so did she. But sadly. There love was cut short by their unfortunate leap. Yet the two of them.... happily died in each others arms. Just like they wanted. 

Thomas Brodie Sangster (Shorts and more!) Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now