Chapter 11: What she saw

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The Alley (Moments Before Ara found Eva) :

Twilight beckoned the moon into hiding. Only a sliver of it shining as Eva was dragged out from the previously locked metal door. In rebellion, the stars stayed speckled everywhere. Fighting the city lights and the slow fading end which would one day reach each and every one of them. Like Eva, in that brazen righteousness, obstacles were just things to conquer. Though unlike the stars, Eva needed to wait patiently for her time to fight. Whether it be at her last breath or in a smidge of luck, she would take the opportunity and give it all she's got. 

As fate would have it, luck was on her side.

The sound of a loud yelp and a vicious growl distracted the three people. Monsters in Eva's eyes, who'd held her captive here. They'd been preparing to move her elsewhere, but the piercing sounds had stopped them in their tracks. As quick as they caught their breath Eva had managed to pull free. Dashing straight down the long deserted alley. Straight toward the noises of death.

Freedom was the only thing on her mind. The inconspicuous moment a miracle which she would praise for the rest of her life. As they grew farther apart the kidnappers' words bounced against the walls. Coming off as just a light echo in the distance.

"She'll be dead if she goes that way. There's a crazy supernatural over there, and it looks like he got another one."

"You can almost feel the power from here. Let's just let her go and leave."

The three then turned and left. Before she was even halfway there. Not daring to risk their lives even remotely.

Eva's feet beat fast against rocks and glass with little care. Only to stop at the source of her miracle, not by choice, but by shock. Before her, a tall figure stood. The night shadowing all details of it besides its glowing eyes and huge ivory tipped wings. 

It stared at her for a second, tilting its face as it looked. The dangerous orbs at an angle partially toward her and partially toward the ground. Suddenly the darkness around it vibrated, like a wave crashing up and down, and then the ground made one echoing shake. Dropping her from where she stood. The wings flapped in one booming blast, then it was gone. The winged shadow before her, the angel. 

She twisted forward to move back up again. To continue her escape. Though as her gaze fell from the sky to the alley before her, she saw it. 

The inhuman corpse. Bloody fur and broken wings splayed along the asphalt. Eva lifted her hand in shock, brushing it against her face. Brushing blood as well. There was blood everywhere. She was so close. Its reddened teeth sticking out just centimeters from where she was. In her daze she'd somehow missed it all. 

Its glazed over lifeless eyes just stared at her, and she at it. Terrified. Instinct kicked in. With all the energy she had left she screamed. 

Screamed until the other one came for her.


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