To Fix The Problem, We Must Know The Problem

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I've read a lot of Alex Rider fanfiction's and I've written a few myself, and only, like, thirty percent of those fanfictions actually make sense. I compliment people on the plot lines, which are usually good, but when it comes to writing the character, getting down to the nitty-gritty, people dive bomb. One of the most common problems is overall, writing Alex. I was going through the fandom and looking through fics, and I noticed that everyone who wrote Alex put him in one of these categories-

-Angsty Alex. 

-Snarky/Cool Alex

-Player Alex. 

-Helpless Alex

-Regular Alex. 

Out of those five, the only two that really fit would be Regular Alex and occasionally, depending on the circumstances, Angsty Alex. And that's only one problem. Another problem is replacing Sabina with another girl and then having Alex really hate Sabina and love the other girl. Oh, and while we're at it, let's have that other girl slap Sabina and abuse her at least 3 times per paragraph, with Alex fully supporting her. 

Hold your horses! I don't like Sabina either, but keep in mind that Alex does. Do you really think he would ditch Sabina that quickly without good reason? My ex-crush, a boy notorious for being a player, was very handsome and I really liked him. Or I thought I did. Anyways, back to the main point, I couldn't ditch him that easily. Even when I swore I would get over him, every time he said hi to me or looked me in the eyes, I would turn into a dithering pile of jello. It took me a good nine months to recover seventy-five percent and even then, the only thing holding me together is the fact I found another boy who was MUCH better than him. 

And the most common problem-making Alex a Gary Stu. The perfect character. Handsome, sarcastic, cool, intelligent etc. Alex is not perfect. He is not a bronze Adonis. He makes mistakes. He is mortal. Even in the books, he makes mistakes. Not paying attention in math class. Having a smart mouth and mouthing of villains. Being too curious for his own good. 

There are many more problems, but these are just one of the few. I'm not putting anyone in the spotlight, but I've made these mistakes too and honestly, they just ruined my story so much it was remarkable that one little choice managed to make me scrap my entire story and start over. 

So I'm being considerate and making sure that no one has to make those mistakes. It totally sucks to have to start over. Trust me. I know. 

If you find this guide helpful, don't forget to vote and leave comments. Also, recommend to other friend's who want to try writing an Alex Rider fanfiction. Writers help writers, right? 

Until the next chapter. :) 


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