Writing Yassen Gregorovich

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Shout outs to Teddybearcrazy and Elena-lavigne. Teddybearcrazy was the first to review and vote and Elena-lavigne is my first follower! Yes!

By the way, no information in this guide or any other chapter in this guide is to be used in any way to break the law. I accept no responsibility for anything that happens to you. So no killing, knifing, or shooting people. Rules are rules. 

Anyways, Yassen Gregorovich. One of the hardest and most complex characters to write. Yassen Gregorovich. The Enigma of a man. As much emotion as Blunt, except less...grey. 

To start off, Yassen Gregorovich has blond hair, feminine lips, and pale blue eyes. He has pale skin and is of Russian descent, most accurately Byelorussian (a region of Russia where the people most commonly have light hair, blue eyes and light skin.) He is thirty-five, but due to his excellent physical condition and many other factors, he appears to be in his twenties. He is described as being strikingly attractive, and Julia Rothman, another SCORPIA operative, has expressed her attraction for him. Yassen killed many people, among them Ian Rider. John Rider was his mentor when he first started working for SCORPIA. 

There must be more mistakes when writing this character than any other character. Some people will write Yassen as the most cold-hearted person to ever exist. Some will write him as too soft, too caring and compassionate. Very few authors get the right combination of writing Yassen. So far, the only author I have ever read that has written Yassen the way I find ideal for a good Yassen is pongnosis, and she's like, a legend. 

But fret not! In this chapter, I will address some common mistakes and issues and how to fix them. Yeah, the layout of the chapter will be slightly different from the others but the content will basically remain the same. 

So let's begin: 

-The Cold-Blooded Killer: 

Example: Yassen kills twenty men in cold blood, fifteen children and anyone else who dares stand in his path. He will not hesitate to kill anyone or anything standing in his way. Eliminate, eliminate, eliminate right? 

Solution: WRONG! Yassen has morals. When SCORPIA orders him to kill Alex, he refuses. That was also the reason he died. He's stubborn in his morals. Never in the books has he ever killed women, and never has he violated one. Not once was it mentioned that he has killed children. And if anyone was paying attention, he only killed men who weren't going to be missed by the world, with the exception of Ian Rider. Did anyone read Russain Roulette? He obviously liked a girl named Collete, who eventually died, which pretty much marked the end of his romance life. What I'm trying to prove is he isn't a cold-blooded killer and he is capable of loving and showing human emotion, if few.  

-The Loving Assassin: 

Example: Yassen is capable of loving. He ends up falling in love with someone and having kids with them. 

Solution: Wrong, wrong, wrong. Okay, how do I explain this? Aah, here we go. Yassen first notices someone because they have gained his respect. Remember, Yassen has been through many hardships in his life, so he is not an easily impressed man. I expect he would go to one hundred and ten percent. Not anyone can gain his respect. One of the few that did was John Rider, his mentor. From there on, its a matter of he feels attraction for them or not. And even then, I wouldn't really call it love. Collete from earlier? She trained at Malagasto too and was training to be an assassin as well. So she definitely gained respect with Yassen, and I suppose he found her attractive too. So to sum it up: Respect to attraction and possibly to love. 

-Normal Yassen:

Example: He walks into a room, sits down in it, and acts completely normal. 

Solution: Good thing this problem is less common than the other ones. Yassen is not normal. He is an assassin, probably the best in the world. As soon as he walks into a room, he will check all of his exits, who is next to him, noting the position of the people in the room and looking for possible threats and weapons, doing all this inconspicuously. He would have good situational awareness and in the book, Russain Roulette, he is described as being able to walk forward into a room even with the lights of and continue going without bumping into anyone or anything. So keep this in mind people!

-Super Ninja Yassen: 

Example: Dressed in all black, leaps into a room and karates everyone there. Gets out successfully. 

Solution: This problem is the rarest, but I have a lot to say about it. Okay, first of all, being dressed in all black is going to make him pretty darn suspicious. Think about it; if you see someone dressed in all black walking down the street, won't you find that a little bit suspicious? Likewise, Yassen. Second, close combat is not recommended when your trying to kill someone. Close combat is only for when you are in a close situation with your attackers. Shooting or knifing someone would be more ideal, because it's from a distance, faster, more efficient(more chance of your target dying), and you will be less likely to suffer casualties. Third, getting out successfully without being caught or seen is fairly impossible. Do you know how loud a gun is? Pretty darn loud! If you shot a gun at a rock concert, people would still be able to hear it! Even with a silencer, the sound would still be at least 125 decibels. It is only healthy for human beings to hear at no more than 90 decibels without going deaf. So think about it-when Yassen shoots that gun, isn't it going to make a lot of noise? Aren't the guards in the building going to be alerted? Aren't people going to start to panic? In that panic, aren't the police going to be alerted? Aren't the police going to surround the building? So how the hell is Yassen going to get out of the building unnoticed wearing a black ninja suit and possibly with blood or bruises on him? Remember, there is no time to go to the bathroom and change...so pretty much not possible. The solution? Wear casual clothes, work clothes if your sneaking into a workplace. Beforehand, analyze escape routes out of the building. Analyze the pipe works, the plumbing, where the bathrooms are, everything! Also, if you're going to kill someone efficiently(again, don't actually kill someone) do it right!  A possible way to complete your task is to dye your hair and wear contacts, wear casual clothes with a set of janitor clothes underneath, gloves to disguise fingerprints,  and carry a sports bag or large handbag with a fake bottom  with padding so no one can find your gun or other weapon. Then, sneak to the floor you need to go, acting confident and like you belong there. Shoot or knife your target, then run to the bathroom, preferably on another floor. You have two minutes, tops before someone finds you out. Ditch the handbag, change your clothes and have a janitors cart ready (you know, stacked with toilet paper, a mop etc.). Toss the clothes and gun in there, hiding it well, and pop in earbuds, then exit the bathroom. Don't act panicked; you don't know what happens yet. Then, when they sound the alarm, pretend not to hear because your listening to your music, and exit the building through another exit. Have a plain inconspicuous van ready and quickly leave before the police can barricade the roads with a designated escape route. Mission accomplished just the way Yassen would have done it! (I think. I wouldn't know because I'm not an assassin, just a writer.) 

A few more problems are the whole thing with Yassen and Alex. I've already said it a bunch of times, I have nothing against gay/lesbian fanfictions, but Alex and Yassen have a really complex relationship. Yassen killed Alex's uncle, Ian Rider, and Alex reminds Yassen of John Rider, his mentor. 

Also, the fanfictions where Yassen loves somebody? I already said it, love is a very complicated term and it can't really be coined in simple terms. In my own fanfiction, Yassen in his more early and naive days as an assassin, just when he starts out with SCORPIA, gets drunk and has a one night stand with a woman who has his child. That's what I did. I won't say if its the best or worst thing to do, but you might want to write a love which isn't really love at all. Perhaps an accident. 

And keep in mind that Yassen can't eat certain foods. I just researched it, and to become an assassin, most assassins will go on the Paleo-diet. Summed up briefly, the Paleo-diet consists of not eating food that the cavemen, or our ancestors, didn't eat. Which means no doughnuts, no grain, nothing our ancestors didn't eat. For more info, I would visit this site for this diet: https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/the-beginners-guide-to-the-paleo-diet/. This diet is good for cutting down on body mass, reducing fat, and building up muscle, ideal for someone like Yassen. 

I think I pretty much-covered everything I needed to. Comment if I missed something, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. Remember to vote, comment and follow if you like my guide.

Until next time!


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