Martial Arts and Self Defense

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Its common knowledge that Alex Rider does martial arts and it is sort of a spy thing. I know I haven't updated in a while; I thought the guide was complete but then I decided to add a few more chapters to it. 

So anyways...I've written my share of bad fanfictions where the characters twist their arms, legs and bodies in impossible positions to take out the bad guys. I was going through my old stories and er, it was slightly embarrassing the errors in them. 

Let's get one thing clear-no matter how good someone is at martial arts, in close proximity it is physically impossible to get your leg up as high as it can to kick someone in the head and take them out without tearing something in your own leg as well. Like, literally, your leg's muscles would be torn apart by the force and you might even dislocate your own leg.  

First I'm going to go over the basics. But before that, I am going to stress the importance of research. 

When I was an aspiring writer, like everyone else, I would turn out stories but I would never make the effort to research them properly. That's how everything ended up sounding incorrect in them. I put my own whims and fancies in them, and as much I wish, no, my characters can't take out bad guys with a high kick to the head (at least, not in close proximity.) 

So research. (See my next chapter for more info.) 

Now, here are the basic martial arts and a little history and extra information on them: 

Aikido-A mainly self-defensive art, it was created by Morihei Ueshiba. This Japenese art incorporates pins, joint locking, and throwing, it also incorporates swords, staffs and knives. It also requires internal as well as physical integrity. It is non-competitive, unlike other martial arts, and normally requires four to five years to learn, if your character trains several times a week diligently. 

Muay Thai-One of the most aggressive martial arts in the world and also known as the "Art of Eight Limbs" due to the incorporation of knees, elbows, legs, arms and other joints, this art is deadly serious. People have been known to die from blows regarding this art. Some kicks, done properly, can pack blows with 1000 pounds of force. Originally from Thailand, stiff bandages were wrapped around the hands in the equivalent of gloves. Fighters are known as nak muay, 

Krav Maga-Used by the Israeli Defense Forces, this art is fast and brutal. Focused on bringing your attacker down in the quickest way possible with the least injury and wear to yourself as possible. A martial art with street fighting techniques embedded in it, properly taught, your character will become a walking human weapon. 

Ninjitsu-Ninjitsu is the technique the shadow warriors of Japan used. Also known as Ninpo in common times, the basic self-defence technique employed in it Taijustu. 

Karate-Another Japanese art, it translates as 'Empty hand way'. There are four main types in Japan today-Shotokan, Wado-Ryu, Goju-Ryu, Shito-Ryu: 

Shokotan: Based on a strong fighting stance, it deals with quick powerful strikes and a good wide stance. 

Wado-Ryu: The spiritual form of karate, it deals with harmony and evading opponents without using a lot of force. 

Goju-Ryu: This deals with powerful counter strikes and employs eight different Chinese martial arts techniques. 

Shito-Ryu: This type of karate deals with accuracy and striking. 

Kalaripayattu- An ancient Indian martial art that may be ancient but is one of the most deadly martial arts in the world as well. Three thousand years old, it is nicknamed the "Mother of All Martial Arts", because almost every martial art in the world is based on this. If focuses on the raw animal movements of leopards, elephants etc. and used hand-held weapons as well as no weapons. 

Keep in mind as well when writing martial arts scenes in that martial arts, anyone you might make your character do, require sufficient physical strength. So if your character has never lifted a weight in their life or gets tired easily in their gym class, martial arts might not be the thing for them. Same goes for people with injuries. There's nothing wrong with injuries; it's just that someone who recently got shot (like Alex did) isn't going to be pulling off their normal fancy moves. I was five when I got stitches in my knee. Just three stitches but I wasn't allowed to walk for three and a half weeks. I missed a week of school and I wasn't allowed to sit down for two months until they took the stitches out and they were sure that I was okay. Same goes for your characters. They will need recovery and downtime. 

Also, to get in the top physical shape, this is at least what your character should be able to do: 

-Run a mile or two comfortably. Or be able to bike a trail. 

-Have sufficient upper body strength. No ripped abs required; just the ability to do sit ups and push ups comfortably. 

-Flexibility. Yoga will be a huge help for this. 

-Have stamina. They should be able to cardio exercise comfortably for at least thirty minutes. Sixty minutes is ideal. Jump roping and running will help. 

-Be mentally prepared. Martial arts aren't a joke. This is a long time commitment and your character will need to be physically as well as mentally prepared. Be prepared for the possibility of failure. If this means getting up at five to run, or cutting back on ice cream and eating broccoli instead of that delicous pizza, then your character will need to make this commitment. 

Practitioners of martial arts are making a serious, possibly lifelong commitment to their art. I'm an athlete myself, and although I'm not always diligent, I do my best to eat healthily, drink water, get to bed early and for the most part, keep in shape and practice. 

That's all for this chapter. 

Until next time!


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