Methods of Torture

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+First of all, this chapter might not be for people who get squeamish easily or might be triggered about what's inside. If so, DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER. 

+Before you criticize me for posting something like this, Alex Rider is a spy and spies are tortured. This is only to help you and SHOULD NOT BE USED IN REAL LIFE. 

+Finally, I claim no responsibility for anything bad happening with this chapter. Read-only and know, BUT DON'T USE IT. 

Enjoy and cheers. 

Chinese Water Torture:

A victim is tied to a chair. A single drop of water is dropped on their head periodically. At first, it doesn't seem that bad but after a while, the drop of water starts to become irritating. After a week, it's painful. You start hallucinating and thinking that your head is being cut open. In two months, you can go insane and it can even cause you to die.

Sleep deprivation:

The victim is not allowed to sleep. Lack of sleep can cause hallucination, disorientation, and even the pain.

Music torture:

Play loud music to the victim. Can cause brainwashing and slow insanity. Used by the Soviet Union. 

Cold cell torture:

The victim placed in a cell that is often freezing. Can cause the victim to die from hypothermia. Said to be one of the most painful ways to die because of how long it can take the victim to die (6-9 hours) and usually accompanied by violent shivering, body convulsions and finally death.


Victim's nails are slowly removed with pliers. An alternative is to insert wire or other such objects underneath the nails. Usually very painful but generally cannot cause death unless it becomes infected or something like that.


Victim's abdomen is cut open and internal organs are removed. Much more painful then you think, and if down right, can cause a tremendous amount of pain but still allow the victim to live.

Ling Chi:

The victim is tied to post. Then, their chest muscles are cut out until the ribs are showing. Arms and legs were often slashed off. After the victim died, they were often beheaded and dissected.

Thumbscrew Torture:

An instrument first used in Medival Europe, victim's toes or finger's were placed in the device and slowly crushed. Made even more painful with added nails, able to crush bone.

Tooth extraction:

Similar to denailment, the victim's teeth are extracted. Kind of like being at the dentist and getting a tooth pulled, except without painkillers. 

Rat torture: 

A hungry or diseased rat was placed on the victim's chest in a bucket on the victim's chest. The bucket was heated from the outside and the rat would chew through the victim's flesh/organs or whatever got in the way to get out. 


Used in medieval times, the accused is hung up with their wrists behind their heads. This created great pressure on the shoulders and could cause them to dislocate. Usually not causing death but highly uncomfortable. 

That's all for now. I might add some later. 

Until next time!


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