Writing Blunt

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So here I am with a super early update! Yay me!

Right. Anyways, Blunt is another important character in the Alex Rider series. Although for, ah, different purposes. I don't know about you, but it seems to me that every Alex Rider adventure starts with Alex being called to Blunt's office and blackmailed into working for him. 

Now, the character of Blunt is difficult to write. Not as difficult as Alex's or Yassen's (which we will get onto later!), but fairly difficult to pull off. How do you write a brilliant, cold-hearted, British spymaster who contains as much life as a rock? 

I don't know about you, but sometimes people who try to write the character of Blunt come out too strong. They make him some sort of ruthless man with no concern at all about human lives lost, just mere statistics on paper. 

Okay, I know Blunt isn't exactly the most compassionate of human beings but even he isn't that heartless. No, that award would go to Julia Rothman. Or perhaps Dr Three. Point is, Blunt isn't a flat, two-dimensional character. He's an actual human being,  and while people love to write him with no children or wife, we don't know if he has one. Look at John Rider! A SCORPIA executive, he had a wife and a child well on its way.  In one of my own fanfictions, I wrote him a daughter who was the exact opposite of him in what seemed like every way. It worked out great. 

Below are some common mistakes people make when writing Blunt: 

-Making him completely heartless. Okay, Alex Blunt is a British spymaster. His job is literally to protect his country and its people from terrorist attacks, so, yeah, he would give a damn about who died, because that shows what kind of British spymaster he is. It reflects on him. The reason he was forced to resign from MI6 was that his using of Alex Rider reflected poorly on Britain and it also reflected poorly on his job. Sure, he will be fairly heartless, but not like some sort of British Adolf Hitler!

-Making him sound gross. Alan Blunt isn't the most attractive person in the world, but I am honestly a little shocked by how people write him to be this sort of disgusting slimy man! In the book and the movie, Alan Blunt shows signs of being neatly shaven. He wears a suit, constantly, and he's a spymaster! He needs to present himself neatly. At the top of this page is a picture of Alan Blunt. As you can see, he is a very sharp, neat, and severe man, indicated by the flared nostril and case of a severe eyebrow. He is so not gross. Herold Sayle would be the one with the title. (Look up Herold Sayle from Stormbreaker). 

-Making him sound like he has all the cards on the table. Wow! Look how brilliant he is! He somehow managed to know that SCORPIA was launching an attack on Liverpool, and hmm...at the same time, he also knew it was a trap and managed to reposition his spies and troops. BLUNT DOES NOT HOLD ALL THE CARDS. I REPEAT, HE DOES NOT. People write him like he knows everything, every single move made, but he doesn't. In SCORPIA, the book, Blunt has to watch the soccer players from the team, drop dead right in front of his eyes. It was a major fail on his part. Remember, there will be more cold-hearted and brilliant people in the world then Blunt, though few. For example, Julia Rothman or Dr Three will occasionally get their few cents in. 

A few last notes. Blunt will make mistakes. He will misjudge things, but will quickly cover and possibly have a plan three ready. And some people write Blunt as hurting Alex on purpose, interrogating him but Alex refuses to cooperate so he breaks a few bones and finds the answers he needs anyway. 

Keep in mind that Alex is a valuable weapon to Blunt! Breaking his bones, injuring him so much that he needs help walking, or is too weak to walk, is not reasonable! I repeat, not. Blunt thinks ahead and isn't rash. He doesn't act on his emotions. Despite how much Alex might anger him, he will not injure him so severely. Otherwise, how would he go on missions? 

Well, I think I covered it all. If I missed something, leave a comment and I'll try to get back to you. 

Until next time!


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