Barricading A Door

65 9 16

First, thanks to everyone for the hundred-plus votes and 1.44k reads (nearly 1.5k, yes!). 

Thanks to Teddybearcrazy for being the first supporter of this book. 

Thanks to Babysilveny for the comments and constant support. 

Thanks to QiQiChan for staying through the duration of this book and asking valuable questions.

Thanks to JaXine for her valuable ideas, insight, and words of encouragement. 

Thanks to Scorpia29 for fangirling over Alex with me. 

Thanks to micachi- for the roulette joke. 

Thanks to H.S Cipher for motivating me to write some more. 

And finally, thanks to SamTheLamb for her enthusiasm and getting me over the hundred votes mark. 

In today's chapter, we will be learning how to barricade a door. 

Barricading a door is an important skill that can buy a spy some time as they figure out what to do. It is also a general survival skill. 

There are many ways to barricade a door. 

There's the classic lock as a line of protection, but locks can easily be bypassed. Barricading a door can add extra protection. Security professionals call this "layers of protection." The logic is that if an attacker gets past one level of security, they will be stalled by another. 

A lock is one level of security. Barricading a door is the next. 

First, one needs to find out if the door is a door that opens out, or opens in. A door opening out means that when a person is in said room, the room that they want to barricade, the door is opening away from them, outwards. A door opening in means that the door is opening towards the person in the room. 

A door opening outwards means the primary objective is not to lean against the door to block it. Instead, the objective is to try and pull the door. One way to do this is to tie a rope around the doorknob, and then tie the other end of the rope to a heavy object. This prevents the door from opening outwards, stalling the attacker. 

A similar strategy can be used by taping a rod across the door, and tying a rope to the rod, and the door. If the door is one of the doors usually in schools, with a door hinge, you can tie that off, too. 

Finally, heavy furniture works in a pinch. Shoving it against the door will at least create more obstacles for the intruder to get past. 

A door opening inwards means the primary object it to push against the door. Wedging something underneath the door, such as a doorstopper, or a chair underneath the doorknob, is fine. Blocking the door with heavy furniture, once again, also works. 

Remember to place the furniture/blockers as close to the doorknob as possible. This is the area that is important. 

Also, if the attacker has a gun or the material of the door is thin, never stay near the door. As soon as the barricades are made, take shelter by the wall next to the door. This also allows you to step out quickly and defend yourself, giving you the element of surprise. Don't lean against the door to block it; this can be dangerous is the attacker has a gun, or again if the material is thin. 

Finally, remember that a lock is also effective! If there is a lock, use it. Barricading is a second means of protection. 

In emergency situations, it's best to get as far away as possible but if that's not possible, hiding is better. 

Happy Writing!



Author's Note: Okay, I know this is early, but I'd just like to take the time to thank AryaDumbledore, Scorpia29, and Teddybearcrazy for bringing the vote total to 145 votes and the read total to 1.5k. Thanks, guys!

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