Sabina Pleasure

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Probably the most controversial character in this fandom. 

I respect whether or not you like her. I will not offer my opinion on what I think of her. If you read my stories, I think you will get a general idea of what I believe. 

But some people are not so discreet in voicing their opinions. Okay, I agree that some girls do have a crush on Alex Rider. And they hate Sabina for this reason. But what exactly is wrong in this? If some people want to write her as Alex's ex-girlfriend, then that's fine. Whatever floats your boat. 

What does get me irritated is when people write Sabina as some sort of daft dimbo, a mistake which I am guilty of as well.  You may not like her much, but if you're going to be writing her, write her realistically. Let's be honest here- if you have someone you don't like in real life, an enemy, how many times are they complete and utter idiots who everyone hates? 

Very rarely, right? Someone will always like them, they will always have some sort of redeemable quality in them. 

In the books, she is described as somewhat of a flirt. There's nothing wrong with flirts, but there's not much right about them either. However, Sabina was also exceptionally calm when confronted with Air Force One and Damian Stryker. She also managed to subdue him long enough for Alex to get a weapon. 

For basic statistics, she has black hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. She's also fairly fit, suggesting she's slim, and she surfs and is a good swimmer as well, trained in CPR. She has had numeral crushes, from Alex to Blake, a seventeen-year-old she met in America. 

So not much said her, but please don't write Sabina as a dimbo but at the same time, don't write her as a Mary Sue either. And keep in mind, that whatever direction you shift in, there will always be that one person who disagrees with your views. But that doesn't mean you must listen to them and take it personally; I say do what you think is right. 

To summarize this chapter, do whatever floats your boat. As an author, I will more judge your ability to convey character than my personal opinions on the matter. 

Wow, I just reread this chapter and realized how serious it sounded. To end on a lighter note, remember that I'm always open for suggestions on new chapters or questions/comments. 

Until next time and happy writing!


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