Writing Ms Jones

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Okay, people, to start out, Ms Jones is not a female version of Blunt. She is not a cold-hearted woman who will just put Alex's life in blatant danger on purpose. If anyone recalls correctly, she was actually against the idea of putting Alex is all this danger. I'll sum up some information on her briefly before continuing: 

-(From Fandom Wikia): Mrs Jones is often described as a dark, rather masculine woman and isn't very attractive, though she did not really try to be. She has short black hair, dark beadlike black eyes that are described as could have belonged to either a crow or eagle and a pale, 'business-like' face. She is nearly always seen wearing a dark suit and, occasionally, a simple silver chain around her neck as the only jewellery on her person.

-She at one point had two children who were taken from her at a very young age. 

-Unlike Blunt, she has a soft spot for Alex and often helps him. 

-She was promoted to head of MI6 after Blunt resigned. 

What can we gather from this information? Well, for one, she doesn't care about her appearance. So please, in the story, don't write her to be some sort of enchanted goddess, because (a) that's inaccurate and (b) that's gross. But at the same time, don't write her as some sort of disfigured potato. As you can see from the photo, she is so not an unattractive potato but is actually quite plain looking. 

Also, she once had children, which connects with she has a soft spot for Alex. When writing your story, keep in mind that Tulip Jones once had children of her own, and they were taken from her. Oh bloody great! I'm starting to tear up now!

Give...give me a moment. Okay, that's better. Yeah, so she had children. They were taken from her and Alex reminds her of her children, who (she says in one book I don't remember) would be Alex's age by now. So sentimentality people! She will help Alex to an extent, and Alex doesn't despise her as much as he despises Blunt. So write an encounter like that. Here's an example: 

Alex sighed, nodding as she reviewed protocol with him for what felt like the millionth time. He wanted to tell her he wasn't a  baby, he had done stuff like this before, but he didn't want to sound rude. 

Finally, she was done talking. Relieved, Alex stood up, turning to go. 

" Alex?" 

One final word from her. He turned, slightly annoyed. 

" Try not to die. I'm counting on you."  She stared him straight in the eyes. He looked down but nodded. 

" I'll try not to."

Alex felt pity for her; pity for the women who lost her children all those years ago. Little did he know, Ms Jones felt the same amount of pity for him. 

Pity for the boy who lost his parents and uncle in the same way he was going to lose himself. She watched him go, a little sadly. 

Alex Rider. The boy too young to die. 

See that encounter? (By the way, copyrighted). Take notes! Common mistakes people make with writing Ms Jones sentimentally is her downright saying " I love you" or some other flowery ish like that. 

NO! Ms Jones will feel sympathetic towards Alex, but keep in mind that however she views him, he is still not her child. Nothing can replace her lost children, and you will seem like a shallow and unsympathetic individual for writing that Alex could be a replacement for her children. 

Also, Ms. Jones is Ms. Jones and will remain heartless. Sure, she's slightly against the idea of using Alex, but was it she who stopped the gung-ho lets go and use Alex Rider thing? No. I don't think she once protested in the books. Not once. 

Well, thats all for now. Comment if I missed something and I'll try to get back to you as quickly as possible. 

Until next time! 


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