Chapter 21

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sorry it's a little shorter, my imagination has been lacking for the last few days, but i didn't want to leave you without a chapter!

“You ordered a child’s peanut butter and jelly?  How old are you again?”

“Sit,” he commanded softly, ignoring me.  He reminded me of myself.

“Go fuck yourself.”

Harry raised his eyebrows and smirked.  “Please?”

I frowned. “Please go fuck yourself?”

Harry laughed loudly, earning us attention from the few people around us.  “No, K.  Please sit down.”  

“I’m not allowed to be seen with you in public, remember?” I replied shrewdly, making a face as I did.

Harry laughed and patted the seat across from him. “This place in hardly public.  There are like three people in here.  Come on.”

I crossed my arms. “No.”

“Christ, K-“ Harry growled as quietly as he could. “Just fucking take a seat please?”

Knowing that if I didn’t sit, Harry might cause a scene, I fell into the seat and crossed my arms.  Harry grinned, clearly pleased with himself.

“Fuck off,” I breathed, rolling my eyes and reaching up to pick at some peeling paint on the wall beside me.

Harry grinned a little bigger.  “I’m happy to see you, K.”

“How did you find me here?”

“Garf told me where you were.”

“Ugh… traitor…” I grumbled.  Harry grinned at me again.  “Harry, what do you want?” I snapped. God, I was happy to see him too, but I could never admit it.

“Oh, wait-” Harry said, reaching into his hoodie pocket and pulling out notecards.  He flipped through a few until he found the one he needed and read aloud: “I have come to apologize.”

I scoffed. “You had to read that from a damn card?” I asked, reaching for the stack in his hands.  He pulled them away from me quickly.

“Wait, I have one for that too.”

I sat back and watched as he flipped through four more cards and nodded. “Yes, because I am stupid and have a hard time formulating my own sentences when a pretty girl is in front of me.”After reading the card, Harry frowned. “Wait…”

I finally giggled and shook my head. “Did Louis write these for you?”

Harry nodded slowly and flipped through more of the cards. “I should have looked over them before I came here…”

“Grace me with another answer.  What did Arnold do or say when he found everything out?” I asked hesitantly. Different scenarios and reactions had played in my mind for the last few days, but none that I thought might actually happen.

Harry flipped through the cards. “Arnold said, and I quote ‘You fucked up.  You owe me.  Kennedy fucked up.  She owes me.  Louis fucked up.  He owes me. But having seen this coming, I have a plan.  Get Kennedy back here.’”

As I listened, I chewed my lip.  “So you came to get me because Arnold told you to.”

Harry sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and flipped through the cards once more.  Surprisingly, he found the reply to my statement, since it wasn’t technically a question.  Dammit, Louis was good.  “I came because I wanted to,” Harry started to read, but stopped and put the cards down on the table and looked at me. “I didn’t know how to react that morning when you were so gentle and calm… rubbing my back and kissing me even though I fucked up… No one has ever done that to me before so it just kinda shook me up…”

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