2: Hormonal Teens and Drugs

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Chapter 2: Hormonal Teens and Drugs.


"Ha, Ha, Ha, very funny guys." Noah rolled his eyes.

I carried on laughing until Raven nudged my shoulder.

"What?" I asked, confused.

She nodded her head towards the door behind me. I turned slowly, already knowing who was behind me.

"Commander Ryder.." I laughed awkwardly.

"Luna." She said and nodded her head towards the other two.

"That's all I get? Come on, Amelia!" I pouted.

"I will let that one slide because it's your birthday but you know how I feel about my name." She shook her head before taking me in an embrace.

Commander Ryder is like a second mother to both Noah and me. She was also there in both good and bad times, including our parents report.

"Happy birthday Lu," she pull away and held me at arms length, "You parents would be proud."

I smiled at her, "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Right, follow me." She lead us into her office.

Since she had an important role, she had a very sleek office accompanying that. Everything was was shiny and white accept for the blue tinted windows and the large amount of books resting on the white bookcase on the left side of the room.

She gave us seats while she went into a room next to us.

"What do you think it is?" Raven asked.

"She's planning to kill us, I bet" Noah said with a serious face.

"Shut up N," Raven flicked a pencil at him, hitting him square in the face.

"We have to make the first move, let's make paper balls at throw them at her." He picked up the pencil from his lap and threw it back at her, missing completely.

"Just because I'm older and in the other room doesn't mean I can't hear you and I won't hesitate to kick your ass." Commander Ryder came back into the room holding a folder and hitting him on the head with it.

"Ouch." He winced and rubbed his head as the rest of us laughed at him.

"Anyway, lets get down to business." She sat on her chair and placed the folder on the desk.

"To defeat the Huns." The rest of us finished.

"Oh god, what am I going to do with you lot?" She rubbed her temples.

"Give is money."

"Feed us."

"Eat our brains." We all answered separately.

"Shush, this is important." She pointed down to the folder.

She opened it and I immediately recognised the photo of the black Lamborghini with red wheels. There were also photos of a cute guy which I also remember as the President's son and the words 'Westside High' appeared a lot.

"He's cute." Raven commented, picking up a photo of him.

I visibly saw Noah's hand form into a tight fist. I nudged him but he refused to look at me.

Ooh, someone has a crush.

"We have a mission for all of you, we have recorded some threats that were against the President's son and we need young agents like you to.." she paused, "keep things in order."

"Does he know?" Noah asked.

"No he doesn't know, we would like to keep it that way so do not tell him."

"Do we have a cover?" I chipped in.

"No one has seen you before, so no, you will go as your normal teenage selves."

But we aren't normal. We are freaking agents.

"What school and do we have to go to lessons?" Raven questioned.

"Westside High, and of course you have to."

"No! You know how I feel about school," I rose from my seat, "it's filled with hormonal teens and drugs! Not to mention we don't even need teaching."

"What does E equal?" She folded her arms.

"I don't know, a letter?" I sat back down.

"See you need to learn as well, and it's your jobs you have to do it anyway or else angry Commander will come out and we all know nobody wants to see that."

It's true, we all saw it when Noah dropped her most prized weapons stand.

Okay it was me and I blamed it on Noah but still.

"Yes, Commander Ryder." We recited.

"Good, you will begin school tomorrow on Monday morning at 0 9 Hundred." She started packing up the folder.

"Uuugghhhh." We dragged on.

"At least it's not like trained when it starts at 6:30 am." She informed us.

Oh yes, the treacherous days of waking up early to punch objects and write down thingy-majigs.

"Mhmm, that sucked." Raven played with a loose strand of her hair as Noah watched.

I nudged him again and nodded over to her.

He shook his head.

I pointed to myself then to her as if to say,
Fine, I will do it.

Then he frantically did the slitting your neck with his hand.

"Guys, I'm right here you know. I can see what your doing." She rolled her eyes.

"Then you should know that No-" I was cut of by Noah saying,

"Commander Ryder?"


"Just one more question.."

"Sure, shoot." She focused her attention on him.

You with paper balls sure.

"What is the name of the guy again?" He batted my foot away as I kicked him on the shin a few times, lightly.

She smiled as if she just one the lottery,

"Ace Crawford."

A/N: Ba-dum tshhhhh, I just updated twice in a row! Whoop!
Hope you enjoyed, please remember to tap the star and comments please xx

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