59: I've Got A Bone

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A/N: ^^^video of the dance they're gonna do, ignore the zoom ins it's probably the daughter 💀💀 and the song will be a drop in the ocean instead;)

Chapter 59: I've Got A Bone


"Hello?" Lucas waved a hand in front of my face, "Earth to Luna?"

"Huh," I jumped, "Sorry I was daydreaming that you said you were going to be Hayley's Pageant date."

"Uh, I am."

"What?!" I practically screamed which caused people to look at me. Including Ace who now had a perplexed expression on his face.

Lucas scratched the back of his neck and shrugged. I let out a frustrated sigh and pulled him outside the gym and into the corridor.

"Why on earth did you say yes?" I folded my arms.

"Because she told me that it was emergency and her date ditched her last minute." He explained.

"But you know that she is an enemy agent and I'm pretty sure you already hated her before I got here," I mumbled the next part, "And I'm pretty sure you'll hate her when I leave."

"What was last bit?"

"Oh nothing." I sighed, "I don't get it. Just why?"

"Just think of it as an opportunity," Lucas shrugged, "I could find out where she lives, what she plans to do and anything else you ask for."

"I don't know-" I stopped when I saw a familiar face walking out of the reception, "Ryder?"

She turned to look at me and smiled then started walking over to us. She looked different, she wasn't wearing her usual pristine suit but casual mom jeans with a marvel shirt tucked into it and a cap. She look so much younger.

"Morning Luna and...friend." Ryder said as she came over to us and lowered her cap to the CCTV camera in the corner, "And its not 'Ryder', my name is Amelia Smith."

"Lucas," He mumbled, "My name is Lucas."

"I know." She gave him a side glance.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I questioned her.

"I came to talk to the school administrator about..." She looked at Lucas, "Your future plans."

"What future plans?" He stared at me, "What is she talking about Luna?"

"Its agent stuff," I assured him, "You wouldn't understand."

He looked at me skeptically, "Whatever you say..."

"Lets go get lunch okay?" I said to him then looked at Ryder, "I'll talk to you later."

She furrowed her eyebrows, nodded and then walked towards the exit. I faced Lucas and he was still looking at me, trying to find out what I was hiding.

"Come on," I grabbed onto his arm and led us to the cafeteria, "Lets eat, I'm starving."

When we got into the cafeteria, I saw all my friends sitting at the table except for one specific person. I swear that boy will be the death of me. Why can't he just be easier to handle?

I rolled my eyes and sat down at the table, "Where is Ace?"

"Nice to see you too sis," Noah ruffled my hair.

"Fine then if he dies its your fault." I shrugged.

"He said he went to get some air," Raven told me while stealing one of Noah's fries, "How's Pageant training going?"

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