4: Is Lunch a Class?

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Chapter 4: Is Lunch a Class?


We started to walk towards the big entrance making sure to be like one of those slow-mo movies shots.

We looked cool to be honest, as we walked past people in a line of three. They crowd from the parking lot till the automatic doors parted like the Red Sea.

Cool entrance? Check.

We made our way through school quickly and easily due to the fact that we studied the map last night and knew exactly where we are going.

Well I studied the map, Raven and Noah are just following me.

"Good morning, newbies." The younger looking receptionist said, looking up from some papers.

"Hi?" We all replied.

"Here are your locker numbers and schedule. Goodbye." She slid over three pieces of paper our way and looked back down at her work.

"Oh, okay then.." We took our designated sheets and started to find them.

Thanks to the agency, we all have the same classes and our lockers are close to each other. But that also included Ace.

Haha, yay me.

Sarcasm. That was sarcasm.

Anyway the school was mostly decorated with the colours Red, Black, Grey and White. This ranged from the big circular cafeteria tables to the red lockers.
Also, the school animals are wolves which I guess are their mascot and why they have a big wolf on the front entrance.

We made our way to our lockers which was in the upstairs east wing, both sides on the corridor were lined with lockers and gaps between were doors to classroom.

My locker was in the middle with Raven next to me and Noah opposite me. While I was putting in the combination for it, Raven told me,

"This is like breaking into the vault in Berlin, accept we already know the combination, this is California and it's a locker."

"Shhh, don't say it out loud," I put my index finger up to my lips, "plus that vault was full of explosives."

"Huh? Oh yeah..."

I shook my head at her while I opened my locker which was full of school supplies.

Thanks again, agency.

"What classes do we have today?" I asked her.

"Chemistry, English, Lunch, Maths then Gym." She replied, getting out some books.

"Is lunch a class?" I point out.

She gives me an incredulous look, "Of course it does!"

"Sure," I laugh, "I'm assuming they have already put our kit in our sports locker?"

"Yep, By the way do we..." her voice faded.

I looked at her to see she was looking at something over my shoulder. The rest of the hallway had become quiet and the only people making noise were the group of rowdy boys walking our way.

The were either laughing our giving each other nuggies.


I leaned my shoulder on my now closed locker and folded my arms, observing them.

Most of the I had already seen this morning, including the boy standing in the front and centre of it all.

Ace Crawford.

Once I realised that they were still advancing towards me, I turned around to face Raven to see she still had an awestruck face.

Please don't talk to me, Please don't talk to me.

I silently begged.

I felt the air around me change and I could smell the mix of masculine cologne but one scent stood out.

Timber & Apple.

"Hey cupcake." The voice behinds me said.

"This cupcake has a name." I turned around with my arms folded.

"I bet she does," I met the eyes of Ace as he smirked, "anyway, your new aren't you?"

"What gives?" I raise an eyebrow.

"The fact that I haven't seen your pretty face before and you parked in my spot." He opened his locker.

Has he never seen me ride past his car?

"Sorry, I didn't know you own it." I say with sarcasm dripping in my voice.

"Don't worry, See you around." He winked at me, not taking the hint that I don't care.

His posse and he walked back down the corridor with girls swooning after them and guys wishing to be like them.

He doesn't know that I'm in his classes, ha sucks to be him.

"That was cute," I turn to see a girl with red long hair and pale skin. She has full lips and hazel eyes accompanied by long curled lashes.

Next to her, I'm guessing her second in command or best friend, was a tall slim girl with long brown hair and dark brown eyes, her cheekbones were prominent on her face and both of them work quite revealing clothes. Other girls who weren't quite as pretty as them formed a little semi- circle around Raven and me.

Queen Bees. I can already tell.

"Hayley Turns, head of student body," she extended her hand but then pulled it back not bothering to hide the disgusted look on her face, "So nice to meet you."

"This is Camila Jones," she pointed to cheekbones next to her, "My second in command and best friend."

Ha, I knew it!

I looked at Raven skeptically and she was thinking the same as me.

"So I gotta go.." Raven cautiously made her way out to Noah where they both started making their way to Chemistry.

Thanks a lot guys.

"So listen," Hayley turned her attention back to me, "I'm kind of a big deal here and so is Ace, we are real close so I suspect you know the rest?"

"No," I played dumb, "Care to explain?"

"Listen here missy," She pointed her finger at me, "Ace is mine so back off."

I caught a glimpse of a symbol in the belt she was wearing, a silver circle with an X in it.

My eyes widened but I composed myself and made a mental note to tell C. Ryder later.

"Last time I checked, you don't own Ace Crawford, therefore he is not yours so leave me the hell alone before I do something that we will both regret." And with that I swung my bag over my shoulder and made my way to my Chemistry class just as the first bell goes.

A/N: I know it's not much but I want to gradually introduce all the characters instead of making it a rush.

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Danke for reading! x

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