63: Slow Down

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Chapter 63: Slow Down

Ace's POV:

When I first saw her standing against my door through the reflection in the mirror, I was awestruck. She looked absolutely beautiful, so very beautiful that I couldn't believe she was actually here on earth and not actually an angel that accidentally fell from heaven. I couldn't help but stumble over my words when I talked to her.

I couldn't get enough of her as I stared at her while she fixed my tie for me. The truth is, I can actually do my own ties but I liked her being close to me.

When she brushed her hand across my chest, I tensed at the amount of sparks that ran through the space where she touched me and the butterflies that erupted from my stomach didn't help either.

I wish we could've stayed in our spot in my room but we just had to leave for the stupid event. At least I got a bit of stolen time from her when we drove to the school in my car instead of being stuck in a small space with the rest of them.

When it was time to get into our starting positions, I had to look at her one more time and when she wrapped her arm around mine, I knew she was actually real and not my mind playing tricks on me.

The doors flung open and I had to restrain myself from lifting a hand up to cover my eyes from the light.

"Welcome to the Westside Pageant 2019." I heard my mother greet.

The music was beginning to start up and I knew what was coming next. We were starting off with the annual dance that Hayley taught us with a few modern alterations.

I lead my cupcake through the doors as we began to get to our dancing positions while the flashing cameras shone bright from the few paparazzi that was let in. I felt her squeeze her arm tighter around me when the last contestant and their date got into the room.

"Remember I'm here with you." I told her quietly before starting the dance.

"I know."

I kept my eyes on her as we danced and she did the same. I don't know if it was her inviting warm brown eyes or the fact that I was too scared to look up to crowd that was watching us but either way, I was glad that we hadn't fallen over yet.

She seemed to flow with the music as if she had known this dance her whole life while I probably was 2 seconds away from face planting onto the floor.

I didn't know how far we were through the dance till she was moving away from me and Hayley was in her way towards me.

"What a cute date you have tonight." Hayley said to me.

Instead of talking, I simply gave her a stiff nod as I let her go around me.

"It would be shame if something happens to her."

My head snapped to Hayley's sinister smirk as she retreated from me and went back to her partner, briefly meeting Cupcake in the middle of it.

Luna's POV*

When I got back to Ace, he looked like he just walked in on something he shouldn't have.

His face was pale and the expression he had on his face was frozen on his face yet he somehow seemed to go along with the dance.

"Is everything okay?" I asked quietly while shuffling along.

He nodded in the direction that Hayley was.

I quickly glanced at her when she winked with a maniac smile on her lips and I glared back.

What on earth did she say to him?

I furrowed my brows and ran through all possibilities of what she could say to him while moving around with Ace's hand placed on my hip. The final thing I concluded it to was: she threatened him or scared him in some way.

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