61: They're Probably Dead

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Chapter 61: They're Probably Dead


In the end, I just quietly made my way back to my room and waited for him to leave before going back to the room.

I stood in the middle of Jayden's room. I don't know why I stood there for a while just looking around. In the corner of my eye, I saw a notebook sitting on top of the vanity table. It was the same notebook that I saw Ace flipping through when I first met him.

I found myself getting drawn closer towards it. My fingers brushed across the cover, there wasn't any dust above it so I knew that it wasn't here for that long.

On there cover, there was an inserted photo of Ace and his twin sister standing on the sidewalk holding ice creams and laughing. Then when I flipped it, there was a box and typed in was 'This diary belongs to:' with 'Jayden Crawford' written after it then under it was, 'Macenth if you are reading this, I will kick you back into mama's womb.'

I smiled at it then flipped to the next page where a bunch of photos slipped out from it. I crouched down and gathered them all up, while doing so I scanned each of the images. I recognised that most of them were group photos including the twins, Dean, Lucas, Taylor, Bee, Ace and her. In others, it was just her and Ace messing around and causing havoc like the twins they are. But there were some, very few, photos of Jayden and Lucas together. It was only a couple of photos of them being with one another acting all lovingly.

I remember the brief moment that Ace told me about them when he took me on our first date.

Our first date.

I quickly picked up all the photos and put them in the diary before slamming it shut. I turned around to get it out of my sight then took a deep breath. Why does everything have to keep leading back to him?

"Everything okay in here?" Phil, one of the bodyguards that I worked with before, popped his head in and asked.

"Hm?" I looked at him surprised, "Yeah, I'm just frustrated because I don't know what to wear for today."

"You've never been the type to worry about what you wear," He stepped fully into view by the door, "Does it have to do with the Pageant today?"

"Yeah it does actually... I'm 'competing' in it." I used air quotations.

"Well, I'm no professional when it comes to choosing girls' clothes." Phil awkwardly shuffled to the closet and began stifling through it.

I perched on the edge of the bed while waiting for his choice, "You and me both, Phil. You and me both."

"What about this?" He held out a pink fuzzy sweater.

"Okay first of all it's like 30 degrees out today and secondly, I detest the colour pink," I frowned, "No offence."

Just as I finished, Raven came in yawning and scratching her butt, "You picked an outfit yet?"

We paused. All of us looking at each other like that spider-man meme except it's with three people instead of two.

"Uh, no," I broke the silence, "Phil was actually helping me with that."

Raven placed a hand over her heart and gasped, "You chose him over me?"

"Sorry Miss Cooper, it's not a very surprising decision," Phil grinned.

"The cheek!" She gasped again, "That's it Phil, Out. Let the real master get to work."

"As you wish ma'am," Phil put the sweater away before chuckling and walking out to his stationed position outside in the hallway.

"At least you have more of a fashion sense than him," Raven mumbled while going through the closet.

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