12: Keep it PG

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Chapter 12: Keep it PG


Their mortified faces were all it took to make me burst into a fit of laughter. I don't know how long I was laughing for by somehow I ended up laying on the floor.

"Your faces..they were..priceless!" I managed to get out between laughs.

"Jeez Lu," Noah's hands went up to his now red face, "Can you get anymore embarrassing?"

"Nope," I put myself together and stood up, "Your embarrassing yourself big bro,"

"I'm taking this as my cue to leave.." Raven's cheeks were flushed as she collected her stuff she left in my room and came back out.

"By Luna," she waved then nodded towards my brother, "Noah."

I walked her to the door and called out and bye as she drove back home.

Then I turned around and gave Noah a pointed look, "Keep it PG, big guy, we eat on that island."

He put his hands up in defence and backed away into his room. Seconds later, I hear Oops!..I did it again by Britney Spears blasting from his room.

Yep, just leave it to Noah to play a song related to particular events.

"Noah! Shut this up or I will throw your speaker out the window myself!" I pound on his door.

Suddenly the music turned down, I smile to myself as I walk back to my room, happy with myself.

I do a double take as I pass the wall with our family photos. I walk up to the one with all of us in our old garden laughing and smiling.
My mum was American while my dad was Mexican, I got my looks from my dad and Noah got his from our mom.

I remember the agency told us that they met on a mission and things started from there.

And I still remember the day that they went missing. It was my fifth birthday and my parents dropped us off at Raven's house.

"We'll be back soon," my dad's accented voice told me.

"How soon? It's my birphday!" My little 5 year old self with missing front teeth whined.

"Don't worry, we will be back before you know it." My mum smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Okay mumma," I giggled as I wrapped my arms around them and ran off to play with Raven.

But they didn't come back.

I waited the whole day and they never returned and I never said I loved them.

Yet here I am, wondering if they are dead or alive. Wondering if I will ever see my parent's again.

"Luna?" Noah's voice broke my train of thought.

"Hmmm?" I tore my gaze away from the photo.

"Are you okay?" He came up to me and hugged me.

"Yep," I leaned my head oh his shoulder and mumbled, "Just thinking."


The next morning was kind of a blur, mostly because my lazy ass woke up late and only had a quarter of an hour to get to my first period.

I threw on a black baseball tee and skinny jeans with my white vans. I pull my hair into a messy high ponytail and grab my keys and back while running through the front door and slamming it shut.

I drive to school at top speed wondering why it's a little darker than normal outside and why there are less cars on the road.

I park and get off the motorcycle making sure not to park in 'Ace's' spot then look around and see only one other car here.

The little fucking wiener.

Noah changed my clock, what a great brother I have.

"Lu?" A voice behind said.

"Jesus," I spun around to quick I'm surprised I didn't snap my neck, "Don't scare me like that Lucas."

I put my hand over my heart, "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Stop exaggerating," Lucas rolls his eyes but still smiles, "What are you doing here?"

"My dickwad of a brother changed my clock, you?"

"I always come to school early."

I nod and take out my phone to call the freaking shit stick but see the time is 7:45am.

"Why do you get to school at 7:45 every morning?" I ask curiously.

"I use the school's gym," He shrugged, "But since your here, wanna go get breakfast?"

"What makes you think I didn't have breakfast?" I fold my arms but he gives me look, "Okay no I didn't, but where we will go?"

"I know a bakery/coffee shop in town that is already open."

"Sure, why not?" I move to get on my motorcycle but Lucas stops me,

"No come on, we're taking my car."


When we arrive I see that the coffee shop is actually really cute.

When we get inside, the decorations are very chill, there were fairy lights strung up across the walls and the ceiling, one side was completely window and opposite it was the cash register and behind it was the kitchen. The furniture was dark kinds off wood such as the tables and chair but in the seats by the window were leather couches and glass coffee tables. There were also different kinds of green plants place around and there was a chalkboard of options behind the register.

I suddenly get an idea and take my phone out, take a picture.

"What are you doing?" Lucas leads me to the couches.

"This could be our little hang out space with the group," I look at him, "If that's okay with you?"

Something flashed in his eyes and was gone in a second, "Yeah, go ahead."

I sent the picture on the group chat and said:

🌙: Potential hang out crib?
🍕: looks like it has good food
💓: not the point Jason
📓: Then What is the point?
🐝: 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
🌙: Lucas found it.
🔥: what are you doing there with Lucas at 7:55?
🌙: ask Noah. He is a dead little pig.
💩: hehehe.
⚡️: rip here lies Noah.
🥃: cause of death: Luna

"So anyway," I flash Lucas a bright smile as he looks up from the apparently amusing 'chat'.

"Let's eat!"

A/N: 8k reads?! You guys are blowing my already blown up mind! If that makes sense..

Chapter dedication to ordinaryteenagenerd for leaving comments that never cease to make me smile ;))

Thanks for voting and commenting 🙌

Oh and someone asked for a marathon: If you want I will but not right now because ya girl is getting a shit load of things coming her way, but I will make sure you get it 💓

Love K❤️

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