64: This Is Your Fault

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Chapter 64: This Is Your Fault

Luna's POV*


That was the colour of the blinding car lights before I felt the impact.

Instinctively, I protectively pushed my arm over Ace's body to hold him back from flying through the window as the car span rapidly before toppling over to roll on its side. I heard him gasp as the car flipped onto his side first before carrying on round.

The sound of horns honking, glass smashing and metal hitting the concrete road and I tried my best to keep Ace upright. I screamed as a sharp pain entered the middle of my thigh, I looked down to see a large piece of glass embedded into my flesh. I hit the back of my head on the headrest as the car landed on its final position on the roof.

We landed off the highway on rolled off the side onto some grass with a few trees.

I felt the blood rush to my head as we laid there, suspended in the air by our seatbelts. I finally noticed another pain in my arm that was still held over Ace's chest, I couldn't tell if it was sprained or fractured but all I knew was that it hurt like hell.

I took deep painful breaths as I looked at Ace, "A-Ace, come on."

I winced as I shook his body questioningly but I already knew the answer. He wasn't responding.

Please don't be dead.

I saw the blood dripping from his nose and the awkward positioning of his left arm.

I fumbled with my seatbelt when I heard the sound of footsteps heading towards our car. I turned my head to the side and saw a pair of black heels with a silver X on the top walking quickly over to us. I fell still, I knew exactly who it was and I wouldn't want to risk her knowing we were still alive.

I peeked at Hayley as she drew out the $500,000 cheque from the backseat window which was now fully smashed. After taking out the cheque, she moved away from the scene as quick as she could, slipping behind some trees as she got away.

Straight after she left, the pungent smell of oil filled the air. Swiftly, I began to fumble with my seatbelt again as the rapid awareness of us blowing up into flames if we didn't get out fast enough became more prominent. When I finally yanked the seat belt off, I bent my head forward so I landed on the higher part of my back but instantly regretted the decision as soon as I felt the wedge of glass get pushed deeper into my thigh.

I did my best to ignore the pain and the blood that was sleeping through my red gown. I struggled to take off Ace's seat belt but when I finally did, I braced his head and pulled him too me as fell from his seat.

Looking down, I felt liquid on my fingers and when I looked back at Ace, he had liquid coming out of his ears. Head injury. I recalled from my first aid training.

The sound of sirens were loud above us and soon the sound of people running towards the car followed.

"Him first." I croaked out as I used my remaining strength to push Ace through the driver seat window and to the paramedics who were waiting outside.

I felt my body grow weaker due to the lack of strength I had left. Soon enough, my eyes followed. My eye lids drooped as I let my head rest against the broken windshield and the last thing I remember was the sight of orange in the rear view mirror before it went black.


Ace's POV*

Beep. Beep. Beep.

That was the first thing that my senses registered as I slowly began to regain consciousness. I blinked my eyes open to see a bunch of machines surrounding me as I laid on the hospital bed.

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