14: Chicken Tender?

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Chapter 14: Chicken Tender?


"That was weird." I comment what everyone else is thinking.

"You don't think-" Jason says.

"Oh it is.." Jacob finished.

"What is it?" Taylor asks.

"Nothing, nevermind."

We all look at them suspiciously, has this got something to do with Ace following them.

"It's that week?" Bee caught on and soon did everyone else except Noah, Raven and me.

"What week?" Raven said

"His period week?" Noah suggested.

"God no!" I smacked him on the upside of his head.

"Then What is it?" He questioned.

The rest of our group looks at one another nervously, until Lucas said next to me, "It's not for us to say.."

We fell silent for what seemed like forever.

"Well," Taylor clapped her hands together, "I need to use the bathroom, girls?"

She signalled for us to come with her and they got up except me.

"What why do we nee- woah!" Their hand clamped over my mouth and arms as they literally dragged me halfway across the school to the bathroom.

Once we entered I said, "That's the second time this week guys, is that supposed to be are thing or.."

I looked up and saw them all staring at me with different expressions: interested, tired, spill everything or I will hit it out of you.


"What's going on between you and Lucas!" Taylor demanded.

"Nothing, it's only been 2 days guys." I folded my arms, trying to be convincing.

"Yeah right, you went to breakfast with him AND let him hold you at your waist." Bee pointed out.

"It was a friendly gesture!" I was I tying to come up with a good excuse.

"Friendly my ass." Raven narrowed her eyes at me.

"You were the one who said he liked me anyway!" I directed it to Raven, "He is cute so I thought why not."

"So there is something going on.." Taylor inquired.

"Yes! No!" I hesitated, "I don't know?!"

"This is like a freaking soap opera," Bee chuckled.

"Now we have that information, lets leave," Raven walked to the door and added, "They night think we are taking shits."

"We are talking shit." I murmured before we left.

When we came back, Ace was already sitting there with slightly tousled hair and a crinkled shirt. Most people would think none of it except his slightly swollen lips were a dead giveaway.

Darn you agent qualities.

Just before I was about to ask him about it, the bell went for 3rd period.

We all had the same classes which was lucky so we all went together.

I picked up my bag and walked along side Ace.

"How was your make out session, chicken nugget?" I say, casually.

He raised his eyebrows, "How'd you know, cupcake."

"Swollen lips, hair, shirt and that's not fair, I gave you 2 nicknames and I only get 1?" I huff.

"What else do you want me to call you? Chicken Tender?"

"Yes actually," I laughed, "It matches chicken nugget."

"Cupcake and Chicken Tender," he paused, "I like it."

We made a couple more jokes until we arrived at the class room and took our seats in front of easels.

"Good day, class!" A woman in her late thirties entered the class. The only way to describe her style was probably fortune teller, she was wearing a long kind of gown which was a mix of blues and purples and wore a matching scarf around her forehead.

"Today is only our first art class back! So we will be doing freehand!" She said with wild gestures, "For the lesson I would like you to paint what represents you, and by the way, my name is Ms. Moon."

"Paint brushes are like the fingers of art.." and she carried on saying mumbo jumbo about it.

I took the paints and brushed and started mixing them and applying them.

I started doing extravagant arm movements across the easel, so from afar it would look like I was actually talented.

I placed my equipment down and looked at what I created. It was splashes and lines of different colours.

Yep, what a masterpiece.

If you think about it, it represents how messed up my life is.

"I give up." I roll my eyes and see everyone is looking at other people's.

I got up and looked at the person's diagonally across from me, Lucas.

He had rain cloud going over an open yellow flower with the sun splitting the rain cloud, shining the flower in light.

"Wow, that's really impressive." I breathed out.

"Oh hey," he turned to smile at me and then went back to painting.

"How does this represent you?"

"The flower is me, the sun is everything I love in this world and the rain cloud is everything else."

I nod acknowledging the meaning and moved on to the guy next to him, Ace.

His painting was darker and more detailed than others in the room. There were flames and a bracelet with a charm J on it. The silhouette of 3 people were running towards a door and a things shattered on the floor.

"Ace?" I tapped him on the shoulder, he was so concentrated painting.

"Cupcake?" He looked at me and turned his piece away from me.

"What? why are you turning it away? It was amazing!" I reach to turn it back to me but he just pushes it further away.

"It's not finished," he scratches the back of his neck.

"Are you a painter?"

"I've had practise." Ace said with a cheeky smile.

"Oh I see what you did," I shake my head, "how does it represent you?"

"It's not me that it's representing."

A/N: Boom.Boom.Boom. There you have it, the second chapter of the day celebrating 10k reads 🙌🎉🎉🎉!

Which I still cannot get over might I add.

This chapter is dedicated to everyone who reads/ comments/ and votes on my story chapters. And and extra dedication to the ones who add it to their reading list and share it around <3

We are still #2 on Teen Fiction Rising!!

I love you all so so so much! xx

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