68: Are You Ready?

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Chapter 68: Are You Ready?

Luna's POV*


I jolted awake and immediately reached for the gun underneath the pillow that I was sleeping on.

I paused when I looked around for the source of danger and realised that I was in the cinema room, lying on some bean bags with pillows and blankets surrounding me as well as my friends who also jumped awake at the sound of shouting.

Our eyes zoomed in on the only person who was standing up, Noah. In his pyjama's. With a santa hat on.

"What the hell are you doing?" Raven looked up at her boyfriend who was too busy pulling blankets off people to notice.

"Waking you up obviously," Noah fought against her, playing tug of war with her blanket, "We all gotta get ready for homecoming which starts in 6 hours and I'm pretty sure, with all of us here, it's gonna take a long time to finish."

It probably is to be honest. Everyone's gonna be showering, ironing out their suits, steaming their dresses, getting their makeup done, fixing their hair etc.

"Why are you wearing a santa hat?" Lucas asked while rubbing his eyes, "Christmas was like a week ago."

"It was comfortable to sleep in." He shrugged then finally got Raven to let go of her blanket.

Last night, after Ace drove us home, we helped set up the cinema room as well as preparing snacks. Caroline was fine with them coming over because she actually does love them all.

"Luna?" Raven called me as soon as we finished setting up the room we were having a sleepover in.

"Hm," I raised my eyebrows expectingly.

"Why do you have a little blood on your lip?"

My eyes widened, "What? Where?"

She pointed to the spot where Ace bit my bottom lip as I put my fingers there to try and rub it off.

"It kinda looks like teeth marks," She murmured, taking a closer look.

My eyes drifted to Ace who was sitting in the row behind us, smirking as he rolled his bottom lip between his teeth then winked.

Raven looked between us with a sly smile then said loudly, "Have you been swapping saliva with Ace?"

I heard a crash then the sound of footsteps pounding on the ground then the slamming open of a door to reveal a panicked Noah.

"Has she been, what now?!" He exclaimed.

I glared at Raven and subtly kicked her shin, "She said swapping solutions with Ace because... I was helping him with our Chemistry homework, what did you think she said?"

"I thought she said-" He rand a hand over his face, "Never mind."

I watched as he left the room slowly looking between Ace and me, thinking we would start doing something once he left the room. After he made it out the door, I hit Raven with a pillow whilst she yelped out.

"Why you little-"

I was cut off by the sound of a buzzer then someone speaking through the speakers saying our friends had arrived.

"I'll escort them here." Raven eagerly jumped out of her seat and ran out the room.

"Didn't mean to bite you too hard, cupcake," Ace drawled out as he relaxed into the chair.

"Shut up." I groaned while putting the middle finger up at him even though he couldn't see me.

When he didn't reply, I picked up the pillow I threw at Raven earlier and got up onto my seat to lean over towards him. I raised the pillow over my head quietly, ready to bring it down onto his face.

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