16: Sniffing My Bag

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Chapter 16: Sniffing My Bag


"Afternoon, class." Our biology teacher's voice boomed around the room, silencing all conversations that were happening.

"Afternoon, sir." Good students replied.

He placed his things in his desk and started writing on the huge whiteboard behind him.

"Marine Biology," he spoke while writing it on the board.

A chorus of murmurs and whispers went throughout the classroom, some positive and others negative.

"My name is Dr. Martin," he spun around and I immediately recognised him, "And I will be your biology teacher for the year."

These damn spies can't just stay away can they.

I mean I can't say anything, l'm one as well.

In front of me, Noah and Raven cocked their heads to let me know they recognised him as well.

His name was Rick Martin and we 'supposedly' took him down last year in Moscow when he attempted to kill Vladimir Putin, the President.

And it looks like he is trying to do that again, for the President's son. Well..in America this time.

Does this school do background checks or something? Like what the hell, they have a shitload of spies while the President's son is here.

I nodded towards them, then shrunk down into my stool subtly hiding my face behind my bag.

"What are you doing?" Ace whispered.

"You know," I muttered, "Sniffing my bag."

Yeah and there is totally not a dangerous spy who is posing as our biology teacher and is definitely not going out on a limb to hunt you down.

You know. The norm.

"Why? Does it have cocaine in it?" He sneered.

"Dude!" I hissed and flicked his head.

"Ace Crawford!" Dr. Martin called him out then he smirked when he spotted me, "Luna Prescott.."

"Be quiet or I will send you to the Vice Principle," and then he returned to whatever he was doing before.

Vice Principle? Why not the actual Principle.

Isn't she an X girl?

Oh my Go-

God dammit, Ace. You just had to get me noticed.

Why did you have to be so freakishly cute and annoying?!

I gave Noah and Raven a sorry smile as they shook their heads in disappointment.

For most of the lesson, I ducked out of view when Dr. Martin asked questions and sort of grunted when Ace talked to me.

But the theory of the VP and Mr Evil Guy over here working together.

I mean it does work out, both want Ace dead.

The second hand on the clock was ticking nearer and nearer to the end of this period.

"Before I forget," our 'teacher' started handing out pieces of paper, "We are going to Sea World to study the marine life there so please give in the amount of money to the receptionist when it is handed in by Friday."

Once he got to the back, he handed me mine and when before he left he whispered in my ear,
"Watch your back."

I grabbed my stuff and bolted through the door, Noah and Raven following in suit.

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