Rag Doll ☾

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-Chapter Eleven-

Jan's light blue eyes stared into mine unblinkingly which made her like the porcelain doll she was. Every strand of blonde hair was perfectly set in place. That pale skin of her was glowing since the last time I saw her, her high cheekbones were a slight pink, meaning she had fed on someone recently. She gave me a weird look almost as if she was confused, scrunching her thin blonde eyebrows before tilting her head. Jan sniffed the air before leaning in close, bursting my bubble of personal space, "You smell like him."

"Like Orlando?" I questioned, secretly sniffing myself by dropping my head and taking a whiff of my shirt. I did not get a fresh wave of the ocean mixed with what seemed to be sandalwood. Instead, I got the scent of basic laundry detergent. Didn't notice a different smell so she must be talking about something entirely different.

"Not on you, but in your blood," Jan said slowly giving me a devious smile with those thin pink lips. "I think he likes you. Orlando has never been good with girls so for him to leave a scent means something."

"Don't even start talking about him, Jan. I am loathing him right now for having planned out the life that is crumbling right in front of my face," I muttered to her silently. My mind couldn't have any thoughts of a sexy vampire that likes me more than a blood bag to think straight. It has only left me vulnerable in his hands for him to control and it didn't sit well with me.

"His plan also benefits you, he did it on purpose," Jan said flickering her blonde hair over her shoulder while those blue eyes narrowed into mine. "You better accept the facts and get on board. Don't worry he isn't a bad guy, most of the time."

I rolled my eyes at the last part. He could be an asshole because he was powerful and rich. That ticked me off because I've never been around someone like that, but then again maybe he has just lost his way a little. It was clear that my little sister wasn't the only lost vampire here. Finding Orlando's human side was one thing, bringing it out of him was going to take time.

Speaking of Orlando, he had stepped out of the room after our heated discussion. That's when Jan popped in to offer water but never moved an inch to get me some so it was just an excuse to gossip. I kept my eyes on her as she walked towards his expensive looking leather desk chair before collapsed onto it with a sigh. Her eyes were glazed over, gazing off into nowhere in particular.

"You are different from many women I've come across, Natalie. Not only because of your blood but because of how much you care about your sister. That kind of passion for your loved ones moved me when I thought I no longer had a heart. I'm sure it was a wake-up call for Orlando. Been a long time since someone has stood up to him... he was really cocky, so to speak." Jan said leaning her chin on her palm as she propped her elbow down on the desk. "Vampires stick together like a family, your sister will be with many like her."

"That's good to hear, I don't want her to be alone with this vampire transition. Since I can not help with all the blood feeding."

"Oh no, against your blood she will crumble possibly kill you, she'll be using blood bags and then move onto biting from the source when she has it under control," Jan assured me, "Ana is very new to this so it will take time."

"Until she has what under control exactly?" I questioned.

"The hunger for blood, it never fully subsides. We just have to cope with it." Jan said shrugging her shoulders when she answered my question.

"That sounds painful," I said looking into her blue eyes that held some kind of sadness in them.

She shook her head as to get herself out of her mental state, "It gets easier the older you get."

Nodding silently back at that but it didn't help me much to think my sister was going to be through a lot of pain for a couple of years until she could cope with that inner hunger. Ana was the definition of pure and wholesome as a human. So I wonder if this was going to change her.

"If only you would have fallen into my eyes as you fell into his," Jan admitted in a whisper while looking up at me through those long eyelashes of hers, almost as if she was giving me a seductive look. A finger was rubbing her bottom lip and I could see a glimmer of fangs peeking out.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking down at her with a dread of realization creeping upon my shoulders.

"He's a master. His gaze can capture a weak Wilhart. Not that you are weak or anything since you were able to resist me." Jan kept talking but I faded out her words as the realization finally hit home. Orlando had used a vampire trick on me... he had controlled me with his gaze like I've seen Jan do to Mrs. Bakery. Digging around in my memories, I tried to remember if there was a time I felt the slightest bit odd under his stare but nothing came to mind. Which meant I couldn't even detect when he was using it. To say I was in shock was an understatement.

Jan saw the surprise written on my face and drew her blonde eyebrows together before her blue eyes went wide. "You didn't even know," She gasped out gulping and pressing her lips into a thin line afraid she was going to spill something else out. Clearly, Orlando would not have wanted me to know this since it would only add to the pile of mess I have dug myself into. I knew Jan's personality wasn't one to start problems especially with Orlando so I would never tell on her. She was my only friend in this situation and even though this was a big blow to the chest, I was glad to know.

This was definitely the last straw. I need to have control over Orlando in something or I'm just going to be used like a rag doll... I'm not about to let that happen. Even if it's my blood I have to give up.

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