Blood Whore ☾

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B L O O D  D R I V E ☾

-Chapter Six-

Orlando looked so out of place sitting in my car, his huge body was taking over the whole seat. There was no music playing because he turned off the radio without permission. He ran his fingers through his deep brown hair as his narrowed those cold blue eyes out the car window. He jaw was clenched making his cheekbones more defined. The longer I starred the more I realized he was very good looking. Were all vampires as handsome as him? The other twins that I bumped into earlier were kinda cute, but they didn't compare to Orlando at all.

"Keep your eyes on the road," Orlando said giving me a lopsided smile when he caught me staring. "I'm surprised we haven't crashed into anything yet."

I snapped my head forward, a slight blush taking over my cheeks. I've never done that before, never starred long enough for me to be caught. "I know this place like the back of my hand." I murmured to him silently. Orlando smiled with my comment before turning his attention back to the buildings we were passing. I think he was looking for my sister or any traces she could have left behind. Those eyes looked like they could see through the walls and I wouldn't be surprised if they could.

"I'd like to stop at the local bar and ask around," I said breaking the silence. I kept driving and this time didn't turn to see him, although I can see he was overthinking my words.

"I don't think you should be seen with me," Orlando said finally looking at me after some minutes like he was afraid of breaking some bad news to me.

"It's fine," I said shaking off his intense stare.

"Natalie, I'm a vampire. Vampires aren't welcomed around here." He said quickly getting mad at the fact I didn't understand how much hate they received.

"You're still coming with me," I said defiantly.

"You don't seem to understand, Natalie. They will only see you as a blood whore or possibly my lover-"

"Orlando, I don't care what the town people think. They pity me and my sister after our parent's death, it can't get worse than that. I'd rather they hate me or dislike me than see me as weak and pathetic."

That shut him up. I could see he was taken back by my words out of the corner of my eye before he smiled slightly, regaining his composure. I wonder what the town people did to make him so angry.

"What do you mean by lover?" I asked suddenly when it passed my mind that he had said that before I interrupted. But Orlando didn't answer because we were already parked outside the bar where I wanted to ask questions since it was a hot spot in our small town. Although I was not dressed for this I didn't care much about my appearance. The music was blasting so loud you could hear it from out here. I noticed some people were outside talking loudly, stumbling over their own two feet. Orlando chose to ignore my question even though he could have easily heard it and got out the car leaving me inside. I sighed loudly because I secretly wanted to know the answer before following him. Orlando walked closely from behind me once I started heading to the bar. I tried to ignore his body heat that warmed up mine dangerously hot but it was of no use.

The people standing around quickly glanced at us with Orlando's demanding presence. If looks could kill we would already be dead. We were now close to the building, close enough to smell liquor from the people standing around.

"Natalie wait," Orlando said grabbing my arm and turning me around. "I'm going to look for your sister while you ask around. It would look suspicious if I'm with you."

Alright, he did have a point there. We don't want them to think something is up and find out that my sister is a vampire.

"Fine. Meet me here in twenty minutes." Orlando nodded and was about to leave but suddenly stopped and turned his blue eyes back to the building.

"What is it Orlando?" I asked, hope rising inside me thinking he found Ana but I didn't notice how his eyes darkened again and his whole body stiffened. My attention went to the building with the hope of seeing her for myself.

Without warning, Orlando grabbed my head and turned me so he could kiss me. The kiss was full of dominance and control as those warm lips forcefully were pressed against mine. I was in complete shock that he was acting like this. I think I was still in shock when I kissed him back, giving into his deadly desires. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I felt my whole body burn uncontrollably. Everything turned passionate as Orlando he wasn't aggressive towards me anymore. The building, the noise, and even my sister disappeared from my head as he kissed the daylights out of me. His tongue seamlessly danced with mine making my skin tingle with pleasure.

Then I tasted blood.

I tried to draw back but he held me closer, forcing me to keep my lips locked with his. Until I could taste nothing but the metallic taste of blood he let me go. I was about to spit it out but he gave me a hard look that told me not too even dare. Also, I didn't want to make a scene in front of people so I simply swallowed the horrible blood with a loud gulp. Orlando smiled licking his bottom lip from spilled blood. Those icy blue eyes of his were shining as he watched me take in every last drop before he walked away. I don't get him, he seriously has to have some issues. Why would he make me drink blood?

Muttering curse words because the taste of blood was lingering in my mouth. I headed back towards the building ignoring the people openly glaring at me. It then occurred to me that he didn't cut or bite me while we were kissing because I would have felt it. That blood wasn't mine, but actually his...

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