Cloud Nine ☾

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B L O O D  D R I V E ☾

-Chapter Two-

"You act as if you've never seen a bed before." Orlando's voice sounded distant and so far away as my mind still tried to desperately process what was going on. This definitely was not like donating to the red cross.

I glanced at him to see he was already laying down on the bed keeping those eyes glued on me in case I tried to make a run for it. The way he was laying with his arms crossed over his head made him look seductive. As if I knew what seductive even looked like it, my experience with the opposite sex was slim to zero. His light blue eyes were watching my every move as a predator does to his prey before going in for the kill while I, on the other hand probably looked dumb with my mouth halfway open.

"Why is there a bed?" I asked once my heart beat starting racing like never before, beating against my rib cage. Act cool! I stopped gaping at the bed. Well, that was a start.

"It's more... comfortable." Orlando flashed me a smile showing me his fangs on purpose. So Blood Drives were meant to make it comfortable for the feeder and blood bag. Maybe that was a harsh way of wording it but that how I currently felt. Can I really do this? Get bitten by a vampire? Well, I have to do it for Ana who I who I'd be lost without. I took in a deep breath getting ready for what was to come.

Denying this dangerous vampire didn't seem like an option because I needed the money now.

Narrowing my eyes at him to warn him this was going to be a professional feeding process, I began to slowly make my way towards the huge canopy bed with blood red sheets. How fitting they would use that color, most likely to conceal any drops of blood that spilled.

"First, change into whatever Jan put in the bathroom for you," Orlando said with a slight authority in his voice that caused goosebumps to appear on my arms in response. His fingers grasp at his black tie and he tugged on it until it became undone. Now that I looked at him closer Orlando looked like he was made of money with Gucci dress shoes and silky Versace button-up shirt underneath that suit jacket. I noticed a gold chain gleaming around his neck that was probably worth as much as my small house.

Wait.. what did he just say? I asked myself once I caught up with what he just ordered. Do I need to change because there is a possibility of staining my clothes with blood?

"W-what do you mean?" My mouth went dry as soon as I asked that question with dread that the real reason could be more than I could handle.

"There is a change of clothes in that bathroom-" Orlando pointed at a closed black door to my right. "-and you will change in them before coming out." He raised his full dark eyebrows when I didn't move from my spot.

"Why do I need to change?" I asked secretly not ready for this.

"Are we playing 20 questions or what?" Orlando asked still looking irritably calm while I was freaking out. So different from the person I was yelling at earlier so it took me by surprise. Almost like a completely different person so I didn't know how to react.

"Depends..." I said squaring up my shoulders. "I want to know a bit about the vampire who is going to suck the blood out of me." But I was mainly trying to slow things down since it felt like everything was going too fast. I felt the need to control things down.

Orlando pondered over this for a minute never breaking eye contact with me. "Fine, what do you want to know?"

"Your name," I answered watching his fingers slowly undo the top buttons of his silky white shirt exposing a peck a boo of muscle.

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