Curiosity Killed The Cat ☾

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B L O O D D R I V E ☾

-Chapter Twenty Two-

Ironic how he told me to leave his side tonight but Orlando ends up disappearing into the crowd without saying anything. Rolling my eyes I glanced at the throne of sparking white marble to suddenly noticing that the master vampire was gone. I wonder if Alaric summoned his people for a private meeting.

A cold chill brushed up against my back leaving skin tingling sensations with its sudden presence. Glancing over my shoulder I found myself starring into ice blue eyes so pale in color they sparkled so vibrantly. Those doll like eyes were surrounded by long eyelashes that almost reached her thin blonde eyebrows. When she closed her lids you could vibrantly see the shades of ombré blue. This little girl stared at me while bursting my space of comfort. Her chest was inches apart of touching mine.

"Adarlé give the human some space," a voice with no life in his tone of voice protested to the shorter vampire. It was like the little girl didn't hear him as she pushed herself closer to me, closing they gap.

"Please me like you've done to Orlando and make me fall for a human. I have been yearning for that kind of passion in years!" My cheeks blushed at her words realizing this little girl was in fact older than me. Saying these things meant she was not as young as she appeared.

Her dress was a sultry white that carelessly hung around her risking a wardrobe malfunction.

"Adarlé," I repeated grabbing her shoulders stopping her from delicately kissing my cheek to stain it with deep red lip stick. Those lips pouted out at my actions. "You're as young as my sister, I can never."

Those eyes narrowed on me into thin slits like that of a snake ready to strike. "But you would bed a woman? My face might be young but you'd probably be my granddaughter. That isn't stopping me from enjoy the fruits of life."

"I never crossed out sleeping with a women, it's an experience that you don't know until you try. But that being said I would not bed anyone besides Orlando." Adarlé gave me some room suddenly and recomposed herself.

"I like your answer, and I respect your decision. I'm sorry if I came a little strong." Adarlé said glancing at the man besides her like she just noticed him, she jumped sightly as it startled her.

"She might look young on the inside but is in fact a prude grape that likes messing with women for kicks," That monotoned voice matched his expressionless face as his words could pierce you like a sword. Those dull brown eyes were glancing into the crowd as his attention was caught elsewhere.

"Adam here likes stating the bluntly obvious details no is asking for." Adarlé said over her shoulder as she brushed past me with her pear white silk soft dress. Her hooded eyes meet mine watching me with those cat big blue eyes.

"I do tend to flirt more with women especially one who has caught father's eye. Wait, aren't you Orlando's?" She questioned with one blonde eyebrow raised. Her hand went up her mouth in mock curiosity while still showing me the diamonds encrusted all over her fingers by gold rings that twisted softly over her delicate fingers. Looking closer the gold surrounded each diamond in fancy looking flower.

Nodding back in answer, I glanced at Adam who was interested to know my response.  Maybe Orlando was really sticking his head for me by claiming what these vampires are trying to kill ordered by their master. They share the same blood so things can turn out bad for both sides.

"I have Orlando's blood running through my bloodstream." I said watching their eyes go big.

"That means if you get turned you might be a skynthian," he mutter finally see some emotion in his eyes, they were wide in shock. "Skynthian are like vampires on steroids, although he is half blood to technology enhanced vampire hunters, he is powerful. They have been hunted down, every generation they produce is killed."

"Does Alaric know this?" I questioned and they should their head no. Adarlé continued walking off with a sway to her step as I followed, curious where she was heading.

"We have never heard of either sharing their blood in that way." Adarlé said, "Marking territory is more of a werewolf trend, it's not classy."

"You're saying Orlando is trashy." I stated causing her to look over her shoulder with a sly smile on her red lips.

"Your words not mine," the sound of her laughter would make anyone around turn to look. It was a soft and carefree of Orlando's possible rage from her comment. "But yes, I am."

Unable to hold back my smile that someone dared to call him out, I followed her inside without another word.

"Orlando, our dear, he has been keeping that a secret or he would have been killed ages ago." Adarlé said walking towards some seats that overlooked many down below joining to see a film. This seating was showcased in glass  room that left no privacy. My skin received goosebumps as I felt eyes all around me. With that I knew our conversation was over, we were in public's eye.

Adarlé went straight to the built in bar at the end showcasing fancy bottles under a red crescent moon light hanging very proudly. It wasn't alcohol she was consuming but the way it was packaged resembled any other wine bottle you come across in the store.

"I've been craving this drink," Adarlé said unscrewing the croak by twisting the side. The bottle cap had a metal screw that pushed it out with a loud pop. "Alaric keeps the good stuff up here."

The sweet smell made me question what it really was until a metallic taste hit the back of my throat from taking a whiff straight from the air. What was the saying? Curiosity killed the cat, because I was dying of cough as Adarlé took a swing from the glass bottle. Her icy blue eyes closed shut to savor the rush it brought to drink blood.

"Don't hog it all," Adam said taking it out of her hands, like taking a lollipop from a baby's grasp. Adarlé soft whine resembled a child as he proceeded to drink.

"You know everyone is watching?" I questioned as they bickered about sharing is caring.

"They'd rather watch our master but he's not here," Adarlé said then actually stopped trying to get the bottle from the height Adam was holding it above her. Her dress had fallen carelessly over shoulders threatening to spill as her blonde hair covered her face like a mad woman. Who looked trashy now?

"If he's not here then that means he didn't call the meeting," Adam stated as he grew very still. "The council is here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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