Host ☾

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-Chapter Twenty-

Fixing my dress, still breathing fast, I decided to sit down on the same couch my face was being pressed into while I was being fucked senseless just moments ago. My cheeks were tinted pink as I watched Orlando buckled his pants back up with a satisfied smirk that didn't help my already fast-paced heartbeat. This room strangely resembled the blood drive feeding rooms but the couch was the only difference. I noticed the suede on the red couch left the imprints of my hands from earlier.

"You've claimed me from the start, why?" I questioned as he sat down next to me, his arm went behind me resting on top of the couch.

"For you, it was the start, but I was ordered to take your family out as a target so I've known you for a while." With that said, my anger kicked back up, making me press my lips into a thin line to stop myself from interrupting. Orlando knew I was seconds from blowing up on him so he said the next part quickly. "Which I never personally did. I don't agree on Alaric's decision of extinguishing a specific bloodline."

"Why is he targeting that bloodline?" I questioned through gritted teeth.

"Because of how powerful they can be as vampires. Certain bloodlines can handle being a host for thousands of vampire lives. That's a potential threat for him." Orlando said moving me so my back was against the couch and my feet were resting on his lap. Slowly, he began to massage my toes that were showing slight bruising from never been in a torture shoe before.

"Host?" I asked feeling like I was asking too many questions, but I was human and pretty clueless at the moment.

"The host's body is connected to thousands of heartbeats because of the blood his shared before they were turned, tying them to his lifeline," Orlando explained for me while almost making me moan again by how good he was massaging me. I had to bit down on my bottom lip to regain focus on what he was saying.

"What happens if the host dies?" I asked, making him hesitate, his hands going still for a second.

"Chaos," Orlando answered. "That's why you need to prepare for what comes after."

"I'm guessing you have a plan set in place," I stated, making him nod slightly, those eyes of his were not focused on my feet but off in the distance. "And you're not going to tell me..." I said slowly hoping I was wrong, making him glance at me.

"Not all of it," Orlando confessed which was surprisingly okay with me. This man was planning to overtake an entire community of vampires that have been around for longer than I could possibly think. I could only help out with what he wanted from me but to an extent.

"Thank you for the foot massage," I said smiling and moving up my feet off his lap to reach up and kiss his cheek softly. "And everything you've done for me even if it was with bad intentions towards someone else."

"Does that mean I am forgiven for turning your sister?" He questioned raising an eyebrow at me in disbelief.

"Partly," I answered making him chuckle, that deep rumble made me smile unconsciously.

"Let's go back out, they are going to think we are fucking around," I said standing up slipping my feet into the heels feeling better about wearing them for now. Give me another hour and I'll be walking barefoot before you know it.

"Oh, they definitely heard someone screaming my name into the couch." Orlando joked making my cheeks heat up once again.

"Shut up," I muttered as he followed me out the room. Before I could step out he turned me around and fixed my hair that just screamed I was caught doing the naughty. Orlando kissed my forehead when he was done causing my heart to flutter by the gesture.

"They won't comment about it if they do let me handle them personally." He said grabbing my hand in his larger one, intertwining our fingers. Was I ready to interact with bloodthirsty vampires?

Ready or not, they had a thing coming if they mentioned the disease killing off my bloodline as we speak.

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