Steal ☾

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The picture up top is Orlando

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-Chapter Nineteen-

That masculine smell of this master vampire was burning my lungs as I inhaled a gust of it from bursting his personal bubble. Clearing my throat, I looked away just then noticing how many people were watching us. Their cold eyes made my skin crawl as I stood up here in this private section. Practically on a center stage for the rest down below who had wine glasses filled with what I would like to assume was wine but was, in fact, a thick substance such as blood. A soft melody of a piano playing immediately started with Alaric's arrival on stage while everyone hushed up to see the first dance by their master. Alaric's hand which was still holding mine pulled towards him until both our front bodies were pressed together. Alaric being noticeably taller left me staring at the same detailed lion button Orlando was wearing on his suit.

Following his lead, we ended up taking side steps that lead us in a circle around those watching here and down below.

"What is your intention with my son?" Alaric questioned as those dark eyes glanced off to the crowd around us.

"Not sure yet, we are just testing the waters right now," I answered carefully making sure I didn't accidentally step on his foot with my heel.

"He isn't the type to commit and settle for an ordinary human this early." That sentence was a slap to the face, awakening me to the realization this man was a dick. He was, after all, the one who created that disease which targets my bloodline and probably killed so many in the process of it all.

My foot stumbled with the damn heels causing my toe to dig further into the narrow heel painfully. Gritting my teeth, I didn't miss a step as huffed away a strand of hair that fell into my face.

"This ordinary human isn't going to settle for any disrespect," I clarified causing him to look down at me surprised. Those black eyes of his roamed my face seeing my face set in hard stone by his comment.

"I'm sorry if I offended you." He said as he kept leading the way with a pull of his body. "You're a very beautiful lady, I'm just warning you. Orlando is the person I send to seduce my targets for a reason. He doesn't hold any personal feelings." It was either Alaric's deep voice or what he informed that sent a chill down my back. I already knew Orlando couldn't hold feelings since the second I meet him.

Alaric suddenly chuckled before saying, "He's very convincing to lure the women because of his charming looks..."

"He is handsome," I stated glancing at him as we moved by him in a sweeping motion lead by Alaric. Orlando's blue eyes never left my face as he was making sure I was okay.

"He's still young if you want someone experienced then come to me." His hand slowly went down my reaching my lower back all while we continued our steps.

"Well, I can say his flirting is better than yours," I said stopping his hand from going further causing him to smile innocently at me.

"While I, on the other hand... am getting a little rusty." Alaric tried to hold back a smile as he admitted he was trying to get at me. That was the reason he was informing me of Orlando's player ways.

"Are you trying to steal your son's date?" I questioned lifting an eyebrow at him.

"My son wouldn't know how to handle a fierce woman like yourself," Alaric said almost admitting once again that he wanted to take me from Orlando's hands. Most likely would have if I didn't have his blood in my system.

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