Blood Dripping Down ☾

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B L O O D  D R I V E ☾

-Chapter Three-

Looking intensely into Orlando's hooded eyes I tried to spot regret or some kind of emotion but he wasn't showing me anything. The betrayal was like a slap to the face leaving a burning sensation to the touch. How ironic that he returned the favor in a messed up way. Biting my tongue from cursing him out, I watched him wipe away the blood dripping down his bloody lip. Was it because I didn't keep up my end of the deal that he is doing this?

"I can explain." Orlando finally said after watching me clench my jaw in anger, repeatedly, stopping myself from attacking him. I brushed away the hot tears that had fallen with the back of my hand carelessly, my eyes still fixated him. I was getting really fucking tired of all this crying.

The sight of him was making me sick, mostly because I had a phobia of the sight of blood.

"Get out," I said through clenched teeth, trying to bottle up all the anger and hatred that was coursing through my veins. For some reason, I was more disappointed in myself for thinking there was something between us. Orlando did a nice gesture but in the end, all he wanted was blood.

When he didn't move a muscle, I walked over to him, grabbed his hand and dropped the envelope full of money in it, "And take the rest of your money with you."

His blue eyes glanced down at his hand to notice I was giving it all back to him. Well, minus the cost of the medication I just got for nothing. Orlando looked up at me through those black eyelashes begging me to understand the unspoken.

"Natalie," He began but I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, willing him to say another word.

"Leave, Orlando." I spat out while shoving past him to kneel beside my sister who was still on the couch. Ana's fragile thin body was unmoving so I had to swallow hard to stop myself from crying in front of him for the third time today. Ana was my life, the only thing holding me together, keeping me from falling into pieces.

Orlando slowly began walking to the door as if he was debating on saying more before finally closing the door behind him in complete silence. I moved her to the side so I could press my body down next to her, holding her in my arms.

Ana was dying already, maybe he just eased her death with his bite? I tried to reason his actions but I still couldn't convince myself that he did it for more than selfish reasons. Maybe the medicine would take a long time to work and she was at her last bits of life, but at least it was an option for her to try to survive.

My heart was painfully crumbling as I thought of a world without my little sister by my side, smiling and telling lame jokes so she could cheer me up. Deep inside I knew I couldn't put all the blame on Orlando since she was already going to die, but knowing he just speed up the process made me so angry.

"I love you," I whispered to her over and over, holding tighter, although I was sure she was no longer with me.

Hot tears freely fell down my face and I did nothing to hold them back when I pressed my ear to her chest looking for a heartbeat. The cold dark reality told me she had finally left this world. Why couldn't I be the one in her position? She just 13 years old for fuck's sake! She will never get to experience the world as she wanted too!

"No, no, please don't go!" I yelled out burying my face in her hair. This couldn't be happening, this was all just a bad dream that I'm going to wake up from. Ana my little sister can't be dead. She just couldn't, my mind didn't want to process through.

It was a strange feeling holding onto someone who wasn't breathing, blinking or moving.

I don't know how long I was there whispering to her that I loved her but darkness consumed me and I fell into a deep sleep, wishing my dreams were real and that reality was just another horrible nightmare.

"Natalie?" I heard Ana's soft voice wake me up.

My eyes fluttered open in shock only to see Mrs. Bakery, my next door neighbor and not Ana like I imagined. Her brown eyes were filled with pity, her lower lip curled in slight disgust that I was holding dearly onto my sister's lifeless body.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart, but you need to let her go now. She's dead." Mrs. Bakery said softly like she was afraid I would break with her tone of voice. I never liked people who talked to me like that after my parents died, so it wasn't a surprise when I didn't want to hear it now either. Still, I numbly let go of Ana. Mrs. Bakery grabbed my hand to help me stand up. "Oh, you poor child," She whispered pushing me towards the kitchen and forcing me to sit down in the kitchen chair before looking for the house phone. The phone is under a big pile of mess that I hadn't had time to clean up.

"The phone number you need to call is on the refrigerator," I said looking out the tiny kitchen window to see the sun halfway up the sky. Mrs. Bakery must have worried about me or was just plain noisy but I was secretly glad someone was here and I wasn't alone with my little sister's dead body.

"Seems like you left the phone on the coffee table, I'll be right back," Mrs. Bakery said once again in that annoying compassionate voice of hers. I didn't move and say anything in response, just continued to look out the window. Everyday life was continuing like normal for everyone else, but for me, it felt like it had stopped. My sole purpose for living was gone. I was mentally traumatized with my whole family dying because of that stupid illness. No doctor ever explained what caused it, or what exactly it was. When will it just take me so I can get rid of this pain in my chest?

A high pitched scream rang throughout the house making me jump in my seat before stumbling out of it. I stopped in the doorway when I saw something on top of Mrs. Bakery, drinking her alive. All was a blur of blood as Mrs. Bakery fought back against their tight hold.

It was Ana. 

Her long dark brown hair was covering her face but her eyes looked up at me through the strands of hair. Glowing red eyes were in place of her light forest green ones, shocking me.

I rushed forward when I got through my mental state of shock, realizing that she was killing Mrs. Bakery. "Ana, stop! Please don't kill her!"

Ana froze with the sound of my voice and she stopped drinking from her. Dropping her body with a loud thud on the ground she slowly stood back up. Blinking rapidly her eyes were slowly turning back to how they used to me but they were wide, scared of what she has come to be. Half her face was covered in blood and that when she noticed her hands were covered in it too. But most importantly, I saw long fangs gleaming in the sunlight.

Ana had turned into a vampire.

I don't know whether to thank him or kill him for what he had done. Before I could blink Ana was out the door running off to god knows where. Running towards the front door, I noticed she wasn't burning up in the sun like the old legends of vampires. I honestly know nothing about vampires except old legends and myths. My sister still alive? Is that even still my sister?

Mrs. Bakery grabbed my ankle stopping me from chasing after Ana. Her brown tearful eyes were pleading with me, "Help me." She croaked.

I wanted to throw up by all the blood I was seeing and her neck was even worse, but I simply bit my lip and nodded knowing she was in a lot of pain so I could help. I did not have the heart to leave her in the state she was in. Even though Ana almost killed Mrs. Bakery, that didn't stop me from being happy that she was still, partially, alive.

"Looks like someone doesn't need a blood bag after all..." I heard Jan say a little shocked behind me in the doorway to my home. So they knew Ana was going to turn into a vampire? I'm going to kill Orlando after all, that bastard didn't even mind telling me!

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