Baby girl ☾

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-Chapter Fifteen-

My body felt cold and aligned from my mind as I approached Ana. Fear had left me along with any physical feeling causing the tips of my fingers to grow numb. The necklace of our dead mother was being clenched deeper on the inside of my palm trying to get rid of the last bits of emotional pain that came with the recent memory of her death. Ana was at risk of becoming a memory along with her if I don't do anything about it.

"Ana, baby girl," I whispered as not alarm her. Baby girl was a nickname our parents gave her because of her face that resembled a porcelain doll. Those rosy cheeks of her turning back the years on her face.

I could feel the heat of Orlando's eyes behind me as I waited for her reaction. A gust of cold wind blew some of her long strands away from her face revealing her bright red eyes for a second. Ana titled her head slightly before a crackling voice reached my ears that sounded more animalistic than human.

"Go away."

I could hear Orlando shift his feet behind me with that statement that sent goosebumps down my arms as a warning that I should listen when danger is yelling at you. Clenching the pendant harder I took a step closer watching her snap her head back up.

"Baby girl, let me put this on you," I let the necklace slip out my hand and dangle on one finger. Ana's red eye's glinted from behind her black hair as she glanced to see what I was holding. My mother wore was an engraved phoenix gold pendant given from our father. "They will always be there with you with this memory."

"But she's gone," Ana said keeping her eyes on the pendant as they turned back to normal. They shined with unshed tears as I slowly enclasped it behind her.

"They might be gone, but our parents will not be forgotten," I said, slowly pulling her to me so I can wrap my arms and give her a hug. "They have us."

Ana was very stiff as I tried to comfort her, it didn't seem like she was even breathing.

"Natalie," Orlando warned from behind before I felt her fingers dig into my arm as she lunged for my neck. Instinctively, I was going to run but I was already in her grasp so I managed to grab her by the neck, keeping as much distance as I could from those fangs.

Maybe it was Orlando's blood pumping through my bloodstream but her strength wasn't too overpowering. Maybe it was the fact that she was a newborn, so to speak.

Orlando showed up behind her in an instant giving her a shot to sedate her for now. She collapsed into his arms while he raised an eyebrow at me. "You could take on a vampire as a weak human, impressive."

I think that was an Orlando style compliment and, to be frank, I also surprised myself.

"Get her somewhere else before she wakes," I said nodding for him to go now before humans sneaked up here to take a peek at the drama unfolding. Those phones could draw unwanted attention easily.

Orlando vanished and left me alone with the bodies laying on the floor. I noticed two men of his were posted next to the locked doors that lead to the rooftop. I was about to sigh in relief when I could hear something was move behind me. Turning, I saw one of the presumed dead bodies twitching uncontrollably.

"Um, is that suppose to happen to vampires?" I questioned out loud because I knew he was definitely a dead vampire worker minutes ago.

Suddenly he stopped and tried to stand back up to his feet. Hence the word tried because his back was hunched and one leg was not facing the right direction. The man didn't seem to care what state he was in, his red eyes were staring into mine, before running towards me.

"Keith?" One of the guards questioned surprised causing him to switch attention. In an instant, he had tackled the guard down and he was drinking his blood from the neck very savagely. Blood was splattering everywhere as he continued to drink. The second guard took out his knife and stabbed him in the back but it wasn't the heart so he turned those eyes onto him.

Fear had come back to hit me in the face as I watched the guard go down with the crazy brought to life vampire attacking his neck. Ana was nothing compared to his six-foot man who looked straight from hell. His bone was showing through his ripped skin at the knee. Looking closer at him, I could see his skin was looking red. Almost as if he was burning from the inside.

The disease she died affects who she feeds on as a vampire. Burning the vampire with rage to attack everyone he sees without control. Was this a plot to hurt the image of vampires?

When those red eyes looked up at me I could only gulp. But before he could get anywhere Orlando was shooting with a pistol right behind him. The bullet was laced with other fragments that caused a bigger hole than normal, right where he chest would be.

"I don't feel like getting my hands dirty right now, let's just hope no one heard that," Orlando said putting on the safety on his gun before putting it on the waistband of his jeans.

"I didn't even know you had a gun in the first place," I commented as he quickly grabbed me and without warning jumped off the building making my stomach curl at the sudden drop. I continued holding onto him tightly as my feet touched the ground again.

"There's a lot you don't know about me," Orlando stated as I uncurled my fingers from his silky black shirt. Surprisingly his touch brought warmth and feelings rushing back into my body.

"I would like to know more about you," I said lightly, looking up into his blue eyes, that was much more breathtaking up close, as I confessed my attraction to him.

Orlando didn't expect my response as his eyes widen by it. "You don't have a choice either way."

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