Dancing with the Devil ☾

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-Chapter Eighteen-

Jan's soft hands turned my mess of curls into tamed soft waves that cascaded down my shoulders in a hue of copper brown. Sitting impatiently, I watched as she picked up a huge brush to lightly press against my cheeks.

"Done," she said admiring her work of art on my face.

"Thank you, my legs were getting numb for sitting so long," I muttered before standing up slowly. The tingling sensation of blood rushing back to my feet came at once.

Glancing at the mirror quickly I had to do a double take when I didn't recognize myself. My green eyes looked vibrant with hues of nude. Jan didn't put any vibrant colors to make it unique, she was simply enchanting what was already there. It was a polished version of myself.

Those rosy lips with a tint of gloss opened slightly in shock. Blinking rapidly I noticed she had put eyelashes without me noticing since they felt weightless. The soft wispy look invited more attention to my eyes which was better than them looking at my assets.

"You went all out, Jan," I said leaning closer to the mirror because I couldn't believe my skin could have a fresh new dewy looking layer.

"Don't start making out with yourself, you'll ruin all my hard work." Jan joked sitting down where I was just a minute ago. "You are a natural beauty, Natalie."

"Thank you," I didn't know how to handle compliments other than by taking them with an awkward smile. Beauty is superficial because when you get too close you can't see the full picture anymore. Only then you'll start to see beauty is skin deep and personality will paint a new picture. But when it comes from someone who means it genuinely then it could make waves for a small town folk like me.

"Just give Orlando a hard time for me," Jan said smiling wickedly at me.

"My pleasure," chuckling I grabbed the heels she pointed at in the closet before walking out. Heels were not my personal choice so it took a while to figure out how to walk without falling over. Not to mention the marble floor was a bit slippery.

I felt my heel slip out from under and closed my eyes expecting the floor to meet me halfway but a hand reached out to steady my wobbling form.

"I was waiting for you to come out," Orlando deep voice sent chills down my arms as I straightened up to look at him.

If I thought I would look better after a shower and having new clothes then Orlando surpassed all expectations. That hair was combed back perfectly in soft curls with one couple strands that defiantly went forward barely touching his thick eyebrows. Those light blue eyes of his were framed by envious long eyelashes.

"Jan was getting me ready," I said still staring at him noticing how the hand that stopped me from falling was still on me.

"So she's the one I should blame for this provocative dress you are in." He said threatening as those burning eyes wandered down my body like I was naked before him.

"No, I chose to keep it on," I said defending Jan, watching those eyes snap back up to meet mine when I said that.

"So you're not done being a tease?" Orlando questioned, lighting brushing away some strands of hair that fell into my face from earlier by pushing them behind my ear.

Orlando then bent down to whisper in my ear, "The cold shower didn't help. That only works on humans."

Gulping, I realized my teasing was going to get me into sticky situations.

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