Cold Heart ☾

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B L O O D  D R I V E ☾

-Chapter Eight-

Before I could get very far from the bar, I was confronted by a group of three. One blonde man and woman were tall, with russian face features. I noticed the girl's cold blue eyes looked at me from head to toe while moving her striking straight platinum blonde hair over her shoulder. After that move, her eyes met mine defiantly and I could pick up the cold shoulder she was doing. Their pale ivory skin and the small voice in the back of my head told me they were vampires, but if I meet them a week ago would I have guessed? Maybe that instinct that told me they were vampires was Orlando's doing? I was, after all, very clueless to little details like this before.

They were all dressed very formal for just a night out at the bar. The men wore slacks and button up shirts while the lady giving me a death glare was wearing a little black dress.

The shortest out of the bunch was in the middle of the two, not helping hide his height difference between the two. Oddly enough, he seemed to be the one I instinctively looked at to talk to. The man had a beard trimmed to perfection with a few gray hairs but he did not look a day over 30. His pitch black hair was gelled back nicely. I had a feeling they knew something about Ana.

"We presume you are Natalie, the one Orlando has not had the pleasure of telling me much about. I find it odd he would try to keep you a secret then openly give you his blood." His voice was so soft, surprising me, not what I expected out of him. Those light brown eyes of his looked intensely into mine as if he was searching for a recollection.

"I don't know much about him, but he seems bipolar," I commented making the man smile at my words.

The man rolled those brown eyes before saying, "Oh, you have no idea."

The man took a step closer towards me making the other two instinctively follow. I stopped myself from taking a step back knowing that would be a sure sign of weakness. Every move was noticed, those eyes could easily pick up my heart beating faster against my throat. "Well, I thought you'd like to know that I was taking a lovely stroll when I happen to cross paths with a... newborn for lack of better words."

He instantly got my attention since he must be talking to about Ana. I closed the distance between us without hesitation, catching him by surprise, as I looked into his eyes desperately.

"Where is she?" I asked not sounding calm and collected like before. The man didn't answer he simply glanced down slowly to the arm I was grabbing tightly. Not even realizing I was doing that, I quickly took my hand away but didn't step back to give him some space. I needed to know where she was and if she was okay, so badly.

When his eyes looked back up into mine, they were a bright red, not honey brown as before. His fangs were showing for the first time reminding me to be more careful around vampires, but it was too late now.

My breath caught in my throat, unable to rise out of my mouth, as I felt a strange feeling circle around my body. I wanted to step back now but my body wouldn't respond as I stood there frozen. My heart began to beat wildly like a butterfly caught by the wings, in complete control of their grasp.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around my tiny frame breaking the control he had over me like shattered glass. A wave of warmth wash over my cold body in his arm and I couldn't deny the fact that I felt safe. The air in my lungs left my mouth in a shaky breath as I stepped closer to press my back against his hard chest. I blinked my eyes slowly as my surroundings came back to me in a rush.

"It's rude to play with someone's amantis, Jay." I heard Orlando say with a deep skin prickling voice.

Jay, astonishingly, managed to look embarrassed in his presence. Although, he still met Orlando's eyes head on as his cheeks held a soft pink color in them. "Would you believe me if I told you, it wasn't my intention?"

"Yes. But the real question you should ask is... can I forgive you?" Orlando asked holding me tighter causing the lady's eyes to narrow at his action. I didn't need Orlando's blood in my system to know she held feelings for him.

"How dare you talk to our master like that?" The man next to Jay shouted suddenly. You could practically see smoke coming out from his ears. It was then that I realized they had very similar features so they had to be related, twins even.

"Ash..." I heard his sister say in a warning tone to his outburst.

"No. This guy should kneel and show some damn respect to our master!" He continued saying, ignoring her.

"Enough!" Jay exclaimed causing Ash to immediately do as he was told, but he wasn't too happy about it. "Forgive him, he is new to this. He isn't old enough to notice the difference in age or power."

I felt Orlando nod behind me. "Alright," The way he said it sounded like Ash would get punished some other time since it was not the time or place. There were more important things to focus on. I also had a feeling that since Orlando was holding me, he was much calmer than his usual self. God knows I've seen him be rude, like the first time we met...

I sure thought he had a cold heart then, and I still think he does. But hopefully, I can spark it back up so it can feel some warmth.

"Now, let's talk somewhere else about your interesting stroll..." Orlando said slowly taking his arms off me. I felt the loss of heat and longed to be surrounded by him again. God, get it under control! It has to be the blood he forced down your throat that is making you feel like this.

Yet, the memory of his burning lips against mine brought butterflies to my stomach. Shit.

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