Cure ☾

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-Chapter Sixteen-

Orlando had lost a couple of men in the process of obtaining my sister but was it worth it? His cold heart could have easily skipped another beat instead of stopping to help my sister. Was this his way of showing some kindness?

Orlando has risked his life for ours putting himself in the line of fire from this so-called council. I'm placing money that he knows when to invest in things or in this case people. I just don't think he fully knows what he got out of this.

"My sister spreads her sickness onto vampires she bites, reviving them from the dead," I stated to him as we both entered the Audi again, Jan disappearing from his seat to reappear into the back. "This council has sent this disease on purpose knowing it would cause chaos in the human world."

"I was waiting for you to put it together," Orlando said speeding out the parkway not caring about being noticed any longer. The humans stopped to stare at the car as the engine roared mechanically in the process, its gears turning fast to accommodate Orlando's taste in speed.

"Then why are you helping her? Why did you turn her into one?" I questioned keeping a close eye on the fact that he gripped the steering wheel tighter when I asked.

"I want to say I did it for her, but we both know I have a motive..." Orlando hesitated what he was going to say next and gave me a worried glance before continuing. "I wanted her disease to spread and reach the council eventually so they could get a taste of what they are creating."

Uncontrollably, I let my emotions crash through my barrier as both my eyebrows raised at that news, shocked. I was about to curse him out when shook his pretty head no at me, that he wasn't finished.

"But, if we can just control her in that disease state then maybe we can figure out a cure." Orlando finished keeping his eyes on the road, not risking to glance me this time.

A cure, that little word extinguished my fire leaving me to sit there dumbfounded. "There is a cure?"

"That's what we will figure out," Jan commented from the back seat. "She will be going through different transition than regular vampires for now."

"Speaking of my sister..." I said glancing at both of them. "Where is she?" 

"In the trunk," Orlando stated nonchalantly.

"Excuse me?" I questioned my voice rising a couple of notches. 

"She's fine sweetie, it's a protocol in case she wakes up." Jan chimed from the back seat.

"Ana is a threat to humanity and vampires so she is not going to ride shotgun," Orlando said ignoring my huff of annoyance. He had a point but my mind didn't want to believe yet she was a freak, I wanted her to be treated normally. Instead, she was probably chained up and thrown in the back labeling Orlando as a high-class kidnapper. "Just relax, it is going to take some time to get home."

"Home?" I asked.

"My house," He clarified giving me a slight smile, before turning up the radio in the car, and telling me this conversation was over for my cranky ass. Seeing how luxurious his Blood Drives were, I knew his house was going to be a sight for sore eyes.

"Fine," I said softly, giving in this situation because there was no way I could change it either way. To help my human body in this cold weather Orlando turned on the heating system, it was even heating up my ass from the bottom seat.

The soft melody of the song made me realize how I was running low in sleep as my mind dozed off with the tune. Relaxing better into the leather seat, I let my worries slip away for a second as darkness consumed me.

If felt like a couple of seconds later when I felt my mind come back to consciousness with the feel of hands carrying me up from my seat. My eyelids felt like they weighed a ton as I peeked through my eyelashes to see Orlando's sculpted face up close. Pressing my cheek against his chest I was surprised to hear a heartbeat. I didn't think vampires had one, especially Orlando at that. Content in his arms I let my eyes close shut and let sleep rush to meet me halfway.

Rushing awake, I sat up in the bed suddenly wide-eyed as my vision took a second to adjust to my surroundings. Once my head stopped spinning from the sudden movement I saw pale high ceilings leading up towards a huge crystal chandelier dangling so elegantly, shining rainbows on the walls from the sunrays. Embroidered gold trims surrounded the walls as white curtains were pushed away from the windows. 

No wonder my eyes needed a second to adjust, the sun was invited in. Shielding my eyes with my hand I looked down to see I was in the clothes I was yesterday. In the silky white sheets along with me was a slightly less modest person. 

Orlando was curled around my body laying in boxers with no shirt so his pale ivory body was glistening in the sun. Looking closer I could see the years written on his body with scars that didn't quite heal back to perfection. On his right leg was the scar he mentioned about, a gash around his thigh was marked a different shade indented onto his skin forever.

"It's not polite to stare," Orlando mumbled with closed eyes as that voice of his ran low enough to give me goosebumps from his morning voice.

"It's not polite to turn my sister for personal benefit," I sat up more and rested my back against the headrest. "You are, after all, planning to use her in this fight against the council when she is cured," I said ignoring his eyes as they opened to look directly into mine. Those pair of eyes could be more blinding than the sun.

"Touché," he said resting on his back as he stretched showing off his muscles as they protested against his movements, bulging even more. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, come over here."

Orlando's hand pulled me on top of him with ease as he laughed off my eye roll aimed at him. My heart picked up speed when I noticed he was hard beneath me. Those form-fitting boxers were not meant to hide his package, so to speak.

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