Come Love ☾

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B L O O D  D R I V E ☾

-Chapter Four-

Mrs. Bakery's warm brown eyes with slightly smudged mascara were glazed over as Jan talked to her in a soothing tone, with dilated pupils capturing her focus to control her mind with. I watched worriedly pacing back and forth in the small kitchen we were in. After I had cleaned and patched her up Jan sat her down on the wobbly wooden chair so she could not recall what just happened.

"What do you remember?" Jan asked Mrs. Bakery after she was done, still keeping intense eye contact with her. I stopped walking to heard her more clearly.

"I remember ...seeing Natalie and Ana ...sleeping together on the couch." Mrs. Bakery slowly answered her as if it was hard to remember. Amazed that it actually worked, I still felt a little guilty about this whole situation. The wound Mrs. Bakery got from Ana was pretty bad since her long fangs bite into her so harshly the surrounding skin turned purple. Jan said it would heal before we even know it but I was skeptical. I don't know how that is possible but I'm not going to question her judgment right now because more important things need my attention, like Ana being a vampire and running off to god knows where.

Jan urged her to keep talking with a motioning hand. "And then?"

"Then I-I was... about to leave to check on the cake I was baking." Mrs. Bakery said blinking several times like she was coming out of her own thoughts. "Oh my, I hope it's not burnt!" She exclaimed before hurriedly walking out my house without even saying goodbye.

"A cake, really?" I said with an eyebrow raised looking at Jan who gracefully walked towards the front door Mrs. Bakery left open. Jan didn't look much different from last time I saw her except she had black tight pants on and a brown leather jacket instead of a fancy blue skintight dress. She didn't look so elegant anymore, but she still held that air around her that called for the finest wine with or out without the clothes.

Jan couldn't help but smile as she turned towards me, "It suits her since she is old and fat." Jan stated simply before looking through the curtain to glance at Mrs. Bakery. She was walking towards her house which was across the street from mine. Even though that is true and she is a really noisy neighbor, it's still a little mean. What do you expect from an old woman whose children left her all alone so they could move to the city?

"Now about Ana..." Jan said turning her full attention to me with a slight smirk on her lips. I narrowed my eyes at her as she walked towards her purse which she set down on the couch earlier.

"Right, my sister, the one who Orlando decided to turn into a vampire without my consent," I added still pissed about him doing me dirty. I mean it has only been a few minutes since I found out about this, who wouldn't be mad?

"Since you asked me ever so kindly to help you find her," Jan continued on ignoring my comment. "You will be seeing a lot of this." Grabbing something from inside her purse, she tossed it to me without letting me see what it was. My reflexive instincts made me grabbed it and I regretted my actions immediately afterward. It was a blood bag.

"I think I can handle it," I said feeling her eyes on me closely watching my every emotion that managed to get through my emotionless barrier. I was done being an open book for them to read. "Let's go."

Jan didn't say anything as she watched me grab my car keys off the floor and head towards the door, still holding the blood bag in one hand. Stopping at the door I turned towards her abruptly, "But first, where would Orlando be right now?"

"His office," She answered smiling once again, her icy blue eyes sparkling. "Why?"

"Just curious... And where would that be?" I tried to seem uninterested but she easily saw through it. I wanted so bad to punch him for what he did. I don't think Jan would be one to stop me but grab a chair and popcorn and watch from the sidelines.

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