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                              Chapter 2


It was morning, and Edward wasn’t here with me. He had to hunt. After we were dressed, he kissed me for a long time and left. It felt lonely without him here. So I took out a movie and watched it. It was the same movie we watched when I was human. For some reason I want to have one more child. This place was changing me. Making me want another kid. Since Nessie is growing, I want another kid to look after when Nessie is gone to college. Finally, Edward came back. He was sitting on the couch and put me on his lap. “Edward, may I ask you something?” I asked. “Anything, Love” He said with a crooked smile I couldn’t resist. “Well, since Nessie is growing up… I was thinking…” I couldn’t finish my sentence. Well he get mad at me? Well he just say I don’t want any more kids? “About having…” I gulped “Another child”. He looked at me, like he was thinking I was crazy. I waited for his answer. “Bella, you know we can’t have another one” He told me. I sighed and explained it to him. “I meant like…adopting a child, like Esme did”. He looked down at my hands. “If that’s what you want…” He said still staring at my hands. “Yes, that’s exactly want I want.” Then we stared at each other. Then he changed the subject. “Well, are you going to show me your anniversary present?” He asked. “Um… Sure. I will go get it.” I said to him while I was getting up from his lap. I ran into the blue room and look through my purse, and I found the little bag. I grabbed the bag and ran back to Edwards lap. “Here” I said giving it to him. He opened the bag and he saw what I bought him. “Wow, you got me a new cellphone?” He asked smiling up at me. “Yea and has a lot of apps with new songs for the piano and much more that you will like” I explained his gift to him.  “Thank you for this wonderful gift, love” He said. Then he started crushing his lips on mine. He really loved his gift. I thought he will not like it. I guess he’s being a gentleman to his wife. Then he stopped. He put the phone in his pocket and carried me to the blue room. When we got there he put his phone on the drawer and started kissing me again on the bed. I guess this is my second anniversary gift. When he stopped five-minutes earlier, he sat up and put his hand on his face like something was wrong. I went to his side and asked “What’s wrong Edward?” He stiffened. “Umm…There’s trouble.” He explained. “What? I thought troubles were behind us?” I said screeching. “I know but we got to go back alright?” he said while looking into my eyes. Edward got his new phone and dialed the airport number. “Are we going back home?” I asked. “Yes we are” Edward said. While Edward was packing everything, I was walking around again, remembering everything from our last honeymoon. He was storming everywhere. Taking the bags and packing. Like he was angry at something- or someone- and I hope it wasn’t me he’s angry at after I told him that I wanted another child.

When we got off the plane, Edward opened the passenger door for me. He didn’t talk to me for a long time when we got off the plane. I was suffering from the silence. “Edward, would you please say something? The silence is killing me” I cried. He didn’t answer. “Please Edward!?” I was about to sob. He looked at me. “Edward is this about me? Are you angry at me when I said that I want another child?” I asked confused.  “Bella It’s not your fault. And I’m not angry at you, I would never will be. And we will try to adopt. Alright?” He asked smiling crookedly at me. He knew I couldn’t resist that smile. I couldn’t say anything, so I nodded. We were back at the Cullen’s place. We both went inside, hand-in-hand. “What happened? What did Alice see?” Edward asked anxiously. “I saw Tanya in the forest looking…for you!” Alice said, staring at the wall. “Why” He asked confused. “She’s looking for you but I don’t know why?” She explained looking at Edward. I had to calm myself down, but Edward didn’t. He let out a low growl from his teeth. “Shh, Edward, everything is all right. As long as she get near us,” I muttered only to him. “But if she does, then I’m going to rip her head off” I muttered only to myself. Edward let out a little laugh when he heard me say that. “Don’t worry Bella we won’t let Tanya get near us, alright?” Esme said to me. I nodded. “I hope she won’t get her, or there will be another war!” Emmett muttered. All of us growled at the thought. Nessie was asleep on Rosalie’s lap, snoring loudly. Rosalie gave me Nessie so I could go back to the cottage and put her in bed. “Let’s take Nessie to the cottage” I said to Edward. He nodded and we walked hand-and-hand again. When we got near the cottage, I heard a growl coming from the forest. If I hear it, then he can too. But he said nothing about it. “Edward, what was that growl I heard?” I asked him. I waited for him to answer. He still didn’t say anything. “Edward?!” I cried. “It’s…Tanya” He explained. I started to hear it again. But it came out of my throat. Edward squeezed my hand. “It’s going to be alright Bella Love” Edward told me, trying to calm me down. Once we were inside the cottage, I put Nessie on her bed. She started smiling, like she was dreaming happy thoughts. I turned around on my heels and closed a little bit of her door so there isn’t that much darkness. I let little light on her face. Edward took my hand and sat on the couch. He put me on his lap. “Bella, everything well be alright. I won’t let anything happen between us. They are just cousins and they won’t let Tanya get near me, since I’m a lucky married man.” He told me trying to calm me down again. I nodded and smiled at him. When I was about to ask him a question, there was a knock on the door. Knock, Knock. I got up from his lap and went to get the door. It was Tanya. I was about to growl and rip her head off but I couldn’t. I calmed myself down. “Hey Bella” Tanya said waving. “Is Edward here?” She asked. Edward came by my side and took my hand. “What do you want Tanya?” Edward asked. “I wanted you, just you, to come and walk with me in the forest. Just you and me.” She explained. I was about to growl again, and I couldn’t calm myself down. I started to growl through my teeth. She glowered at me and smiled back at Edward. “No thank you Tanya, now please can you leave me, my wife, and our daughter alone?” He asked. “No Edward, I can’t go away from you, you are important to me. I have real feelings for you. Can’t you understand my feelings for you? I kept them a secret for a long time when you moved in with us.” She explained. “Tanya,” I said her name through my teeth. “You are just are cousin’s you can’t date my husband”. She started to glower at me again. I glowered back at her. Edward interrupted our glowering. “Tanya can you just please leave us alone and don’t do that face ever again to my wife, ever!” He snapped at her. “Fine!” she yelled “If I can’t have you, then I have to try harder” She sounded like she was talking to herself. Me and Edward heard what she said. I started to growl and snap at her. Edward was rubbing my shoulder, calming me again.

Midnight sunOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora