Birthday Bash

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Chapter 13

Birthday Bash




Nessie well never accept my apologies’. So since it’s her eighteen birthday, I think I know what to give her. So I went to the store with Rosalie, Esme, and Alice. They came because they also going to buy her a gift with me. Something caught my eye. I saw a beautiful jewelry. In the chain of the necklace, bracelet, and earrings, there was a werewolf. Nessie would love this gift. She loves werewolves, well she used to. But I don’t think she will throw a fit over this. “Should I buy Nessie this?” I asked Rosalie, Alice and Esme. They all look at what I was staring at. They all smiled and nodded. “I think Nessie will love this gift.” Alice agreed. “She does love Jacob.” Rosalie nodded. “I’m sure she will love it Bella.” Esme smiled. I felt a smile spread my face. I went to go buy it. Then we all quickly went home. Rosalie bought Nessie a purse that will match all her cloths, Alice bought Nessie new cloths, and Esme bought her perfume. Edward was home from hunting and going shopping. Edward was putting EJ to bed while I sat sadly on the couch. Edward came and put me on his lap. I laid my head on his chest and relaxed. “Bella, love? What’s wrong?” Edward asked anxiously. I shook my head. Edward tilted his head to look in my eyes. His golden-honey eyes smoldered my eyes. “I just…Hope Nessie…will love her gift.” I said, still frowning. Edward’s body was frozen, then his lips turned into a smile. “I think she will love it, love.” He answered. I sighed. Maybe he is right. Or maybe he is wrong. Who knows the answer?


The Next day came, and today was a big day. Today was Nessie’s Birthday. I’ve been worrying to much that she will not love her gift. And Edward keeps on comforting me, that she will love it. Esme, Rosalie, Alice, and I were decorating the house, while Edward, Carlisle, Emmett, and Jasper were setting everything up. EJ was on the floor playing with his toys, and Nessie is at school. She will be home in any minute now, and we were almost finished. The boys finished out back and we finished inside. “Wow, we really did a good job, girls!” Alice encouraged. We all smiled in agreement. “I really love the pink balloons. It matches the carpet outside and her dress!” Rosalie smiled. Esme and I giggled. Edward’s hand was around my waist, and kissed my cheek. “We’re finished.” Emmett yelled. Jasper, Carlisle, and Edward laughed. “They already know Emmett.” Jasper muttered. And then we all laughed in burst. I removed Edward’s hands from my waist and ran quickly upstairs, in Alice’s bathroom, to put my old prom dress in the drawer. I grabbed the freesia flower that Edward gave me, and put it in where my dress is. I ran back down stairs, and I saw, in the corner of my eye, that Alice gasped. "Nessie will be home in five minutes! We all have to hide!” Alice yelled. Everyone ran and hid up stairs. Edward and I hid behind the stair case. We both listened closely to the door. Then, suddenly, the door creaked open, and we waited for the signal, Alice will tell Edward in mind. “Mom? Dad? Alice? Jasper? Esme? Carlisle? Rosalie? Emmett? Where are you guys?”  Nessie yelled. Then Edward pulled my arm and we all yelled “Happy Birthday!” Nessie started to cry with joy. Me and Edward were at Nessie’s side. We put our arms around her. “Thank you! You’re the best family!” Nessie cried. We all smiled. “Ok, everything is going great, but we need to take her upstairs to change. Her friends are going to be here in two minutes!” Alice ran, to get Nessie’s and my arm, and ran upstairs. The pink dress was on the bed and I helped Nessie get ready. Rosalie and Alice were doing her hair, and I started to put on my dress, from the prom when I was human, put on makeup and curled my hair, and then Helped Nessie in her dress. We put her make up on and Alice and Rosalie went down stairs to leave me with Nessie alone. I looked at Nessie and told her “You look so much like me, sweetheart.” She smiled, showing her teeth. We almost looked alike. I felt like I was going to cry. Nessie and I heard the noise down stairs. The guest arrived. I took Nessie’s hand and walked down stairs. Everyone, including our family, gasped and looked at us. I caught Edward’s eyes, and smiled at him. He smiled back. I saw EJ in Esme’s arms sleeping. We were down the stairs and Nessie was being surrounded by her friends while I walked toward Edward. I put my hands around his neck, and he putted his arms around my waist. “You look beautiful in that blue dress.” Edward said “Didn’t you use that dress for the prom when you were human?” He asked. I smiled. “Yes it is.” I answered. Then he leaned down to kiss me. But let go too soon. Edward has a frown on his face. “Edward, what’s wrong?” I asked. I looked around to see if anyone got hurt, but they were all outside. I took Edward’s arm and took him upstairs to his room. We both sat down on his couch. “Edward?” I cried. He looked at me and took my hands in his and looked down at our hands. “Jacob is coming. He’s probably going to destroy the party.” He answered. I gasped and my eyes widened. “Why…why would he do that to Nessie?” I cried, my voice broke at the end. I felt like I was about to sob. Edward noticed that my voice broke. He put his hands around me and I laid my head on his chest. He rubbed my arm. I sobbed on his chest. “Shh. It’s ok now Bella, love.” He comforted me. Edward and I heard the door down stairs open. I stopped for a short second and looked at Edward. He looked back at me. We both stared for an hour, and then we both got up and ran downstairs. “Jacob.” Edward growled. “Bloodsucker.” Jacob responded. Then Jacob looked at me. “Wow, you look pretty bells. Didn’t you wear that dress to the prom when you were human?” Jacob asked. I nodded, not speaking to him, right after he yelled at me. Edward had his arm around me this whole entire time, and I didn’t realize until he squeezed me. “What do you want?” Edward growled at him. Jacob looked at him and glared. “I came here for Nessie’s Birthday party. What type of boyfriend forgets his girlfriend’s birthday?” Jacob explained. Edward moved me behind him. Edward growled. “NO! GET AWAY FROM HERE, AND NEVER COME BACK!” Edward yelled at him, and answered the unspoken thought. Edward started to scare me a little. “Well, I can’t. I already got her a present.” Jacob smiled. I went around Edward, at his side. He put his arm around me from getting any closer to him. “Edward trust me.” I said. I needed him to trust me. He nodded and relaxed. I went in front of Jacob and said “Just give me the present, and I will give it to her, then you can leave.” Jacob smiled wider. Then he shook his head, still smiling. “Bella, back away from him.” Edward growled still looking at Jacob. I looked over at my shoulder to Edward. “Please, just trust me.” I said, blinking twice. Edward sighed. “Jake, please give me the present and you can go.” I said. Jacob looks like he was angry. Jacob walked out the door, frowning, and went to the bushes. I went outside to see if he was gone. Edward followed behind me, just for safety. Then, Jacob came out, as a wolf, from the bushes. Jacob started to growl. “Bella, Be careful. Back away from him. Come over here with me.” Edward said. Then, if I was correct, Jacob started to run toward me. “BELLA!” Edward screamed. I saw Edward running towards me too. Two mythical creatures, coming after me. The one I love and the one who is my friend. Jacob came to me first, and ambushed me to the ground and bit my leg. Edward jumped on top of him and pushed him off. Jacob’s claw scratched my face. Jacob got Edward off his back and came back at me. I couldn’t get up, my leg was bitten and it started to blaze. His teeth picked me up by my stomach. I screamed in terror. Edward starred in horror for a few seconds and came to attack Jacob. Edward pushed him by the side and we rolled. Jacob’s teeth let go of me, and I was still screaming. The family out back heard us. The guests were still dancing. Carlisle, Emmett and Jasper started to help out Edward with Jacob, while Alice, Rosalie, and Esme were calming me down. Nessie came and starred in terror. “Jacob?” She cried. She looked at him and then looked at me and then back at him. “How could you?” She sobbed. She came to Esme’s side and cried. My hands were on my stomach, and Alice was trying to sooth me and Rosalie’s hands were on my left leg. Jacob left whining. The boys came to my side to help. Edward was the one who picked me up. I was still screaming in pain. “Put her in my office Edward.” Carlisle said. The others went out back to the party with Nessie, and Carlisle and Edward were going to help me heal. Edward ran me inside the house. Edward put me on the table, holding my hand, and trying to sooth me. But I couldn’t be calm, I was still screaming in pain. Carlisle had a shot in his hand. “What is in there?” Edward asked. Carlisle looked at him. “It’s to make her sleep for a few hours, so that it can heal her body a bit.” Carlisle answered. Then Carlisle came closer and putted the shot on my arm. Then I drifted away.

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