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Chapter 10


We kept kissing until the sun came up and shine at us. He stopped kissing me and looked at me. “You are beautiful in the sun” He said smiling. I looked at my hands. I saw that I was shining. It looked like diamonds shining off of me. I looked back at his face. His face was shining like my hands. Then I noticed I was shining all over my body. Then we kissed again. I finally remembered my husband! My Edward. Now all I have to do is to remember my whole family. I missed them. Even if my brain is trying to remember, I will try my best. The sun’s ray was gone and the sky got darker. It started to rain on Edwards back and his bronze hair. Rain drops fell on my cheeks. We both laughed. He used back of his hand to wipe off the drops. “Let’s go home. The family is waiting for us.” He said smiling. I smiled back. He got off of me and took out his hand to help me get up. I took his hand and he helped me off the grass. We still hold hands while we were running together to the forest. We finally got to our house. Edward said it was our cottage. Just for me, him, and our two kids; Nessie and EJ. I got another flashback. This flashback shows me and Edward, with our two kids. He was teaching Nessie, and I was feeding EJ the milk bottle. I finally remembered my kids. I noticed that my eyes were closed. Edward also noticed it. I heard the door of the cottage open. I flashed my eyes wide open. The inside of the cottage was big in the inside and small on the outside. I felt like I already been here. Since this is our cottage, I’m remembering everything right now. My brain started to work, and put all my memories back in. My eyes closed, and everything turned black. I started to fall back. And every memories came back to me.

                        *               *                *

My eyes were shut tight and everything is still black. My ear drum feels like it is clogged by earphones that are stuck in my ear. But then the volumes of my ear drums were on high. I could hear everything now. “~ It has been 25 minutes Carlisle. When will she open her eyes?” An anxious male voice asked. “Don’t worry Edward. She is fine. Her brain is started to put all her memories in.” another male calmed Edward. There was something hard holding my hand. Then I felt lips on my ear “Bella, love? Please wake up. Can you open your eyes? Can you move?” He asked. I couldn’t move, and that I felt paralyzed again. I wanted to say to him I’m fine, but I couldn’t move my lips. They were stuck like glue. Then I heard beeping noise next to me. What was that? I wanted to ask Edward but I couldn’t. “I will stay here with her, until she wakes up.” Edward answered an unspoken thought. “Your right. I’ll be downstairs.” Carlisle said, his footsteps where light and then he was gone. I felt Edward’s breathing. I counted his breathing. Two-thousand and one, two million and so on the beeping noise went silent. Edward’s breathing stopped. I suddenly felt free. My mouth opened a bit and I could move my hands, but I couldn’t move anything else. My eyes were still shut tight. “Bella?” Edward asked. I couldn’t find my voice, but I twitched my fingers. Edwards hand squeezed me. I finally found my voice. “Edward?” I said, I couldn’t hear my voice. My eyes flickered open. “Edward?” I said again. I could hear my voice more clearly this time. “Oh, Bella!” He whispered. Then his lips were on mine. I put my hands on his face to keep him on me. But then his lips were not on mine anymore and let go of my hands on his face. “Do you remember us now?” He asked. I nodded carefully. He smiled. Edward got up and told me he will be right back. Then he ran out the room. My eyes were on the ceiling of our room. I wasn’t paying attention to the door when it opened. Edward was at my side, sitting in a chair next to the bed. He was holding something behind him. “Close your eyes” He ordered me. I closed my eyes and I felt something on my lap. “Now you can open them.” He said. I opened my eyes and saw that he bought me, my favorite flowers, Dandelion. I also saw a heart necklace. The color of the heart was white. Edward said that was from Nessie and EJ. I felt a smile spread on my face.  I said thank you to Edward and he smiled and kissed me. He let go too soon. I wanted to get up but he pushed back down lightly. “No Bella. You have to stay here and relax.” Edward said. I sighed and lay back down. I closed my eyes nice and shut. I know he is staring at me. “Bella? Can you open your eyes? I don’t like it when you close your eyes. I want to see those beautiful red eyes of yours.” He said. I opened my eyes, so that I wouldn’t hurt his feelings. I felt flattered when he said that. I saw a smile on his face. He leaned closer and kissed me. I had a lot of questions to ask him. But when he kissed me again, I lost my train of thought.

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